Mr. Transparent strikes again

in #writing5 years ago

Well, the Mr. Transparency, Tom Perez has done it again. “I will do everything in my power to make certain the campaigns are fair” He changed the requirements AGAIN. At the start of the 2020 campaign season in order to be able to go to the debates He said “you need to have 65,000 new and unique donors” then he added “you need to be above 1% on major polls” and after the preferred candidates surpassed the requirements he changed it again. This time he put in the requirement of 75,000 New and unique donors and 2% of the polls” and he arranged for Tulsi Gabbard to be omitted from the pollsters lists of candidates, really fair, isn’t that. Then he changed the donors again when Tulsi Gabbard surpassed the requirements needed, of course this was “just to keep things fair”.
Today the head of the Democrat Nation Criminals has changed the requirements yet again, “You now need 130,000 New Donors to be in the debates. How is that for “Fair and transparent”?
He stated that “If you even mention the Climate Change you will be banned from all future debates”. Mr. Fair and Transparent is about the biggest CROOK in the DNC as he keeps moving the goal posts. The upper 2% have obviously paid him enough to have Joe Bieden as a “pre determined Presidential Candidate”. They really want drumpf to win, don’t they? Of course they want drumpf to win, in the last 2 years the upper 1% have gotten an additional 2.4 TRILLION dollars in tax breaks.
If we are to EVER have a fair election in the future WE must stand together as a FREE PEOPLE and not let the Powers That wanna BE continue to RUIN OUR COUNTRY. It is Time for Every Free American to stand together and Take our Country back from the wealthiest 2% who have NO BUSINESS owning OUR COUNTRY!

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