Little Sarah wants,,

in #writing5 years ago

Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants to be remembered as “Transparent and honest”, yeah, well, Stormy Daniels wants to remembered as “A Virgin” too. Those are both quotes from both ladies so you can see where this is going, right, NOWHERE! This is kind of like the polling data from the White House concerning the internal polling showing that Biden is ahead of drumpf in THEIR OWN POLLS being “ancient and meaning less”, like 4 weeks is ancient, RIGHT!
Just from these two instances that the WH is totally separated from reality. I would tend to say that the drumpf administration is living inside the little “pretend bubble of reality” that drumpf has created so that his own itty bitty EGO is inflated. I have to wonder if the best way to succeed is to surround yourself with everyone who absolutely believes your LIES absolutely. Like bolton’s reported video showing a “Iranian Patrol Boat” removing a mine that would absolutely have IRAN “written all over it”. Right! Well, that does fall in line with drumpf saying “Iran is the mother of all terrorist states” just so he can further his own little temper tantrum. Kind of like the high school BULLY saying “Yeah, my dick is bigger than yours because my dad has more money than your dad”. And then having your dad buy your way out of the draft (he would have been 4F anyway as he is a psychopathic liar anyway)
President drumpf is the most useless human being ever, a total waste of good air!

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