12 ways to simply change your life :)

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians!

Yet another deep deeep deeeep discussion about how to overcome your fears and keep moving towards your goals :)

This photo was taken few days ago by my girlfriend :)

12 ways to change life for those who have absolutely no strength

  • Stress... stress... emotional burnout - there are many names, but the essence is one. Each of us at least once discovered that he was driven into a corner, the exit from which is not observed. Today i will share with you a list of recommendations that will help if not completely transform your life, then in any case make it much more pleasant.

  • You probably know this feeling: 10 am, you are already on the verge of a third cup of coffee, and in the head instead of any sensible thoughts - sheer porridge. You are exhausted - physically, mentally and emotionally - and absolutely indifferent to what used to please you. Motivation? Forget it. Irritability? Oh yeah. Care for health and wellness? In the furnace.

  • For some reason, it is considered that the conquest of new heights and the utter exhaustion without each other do not go. Nothing like this. Emotional burnout is not a sign of success, it's a way that our body unambiguously hints that it's time to slow down.

  • A well-known quote from Henry Ford is here at the right time.

  • The habitual ways to get back to life, whether it's a double dose of espresso or another layer of concealer under the eyes, take literally a few minutes, but are there any real benefits to them? Yes, for a radical change in life, much more time is needed, but in the end all efforts justify themselves. It is an investment in your health and well-being, so treating them with all due seriousness.

1 . Sleep enough

  • Our body is a mechanism. A beautiful and incredibly complex system that needs care and rest. When you leave work, you turn off your computer every day, about the same thing you need the body and mind. Studies say that a good sleep helps the brain to get rid of the toxins that accumulate during the day, which is why seven to eight hours of rest are incredibly important for mental and physical health. Your task is to gradually bring the daily duration of sleep to this level. For 30 minutes more rest every day - it's simple, right?

2 . Think about what and how to eat

  • In order to make your food meaningful, you need practice. This is especially true for those who are accustomed to snacking on the run, while collecting an answer to a regular letter and constantly being distracted by phone calls. The practice of conscious nutrition helps to understand what you eat and what benefit it brings to your body. In place of a simple quenching of hunger, healthy relationships with food come. The results of the research show that such an approach to nutrition significantly improves mood, reduces stress level, helps to develop useful eating habits and even to get rid of excess weight.

3 . Stop consuming caffeine

  • Caffeine is a stimulant that irritates your already nervous nervous system. When you are worried, tense or even on the verge of hysteria, another cup of coffee, if it is cheered, then for a little while. Instead, try other, softer ways to cheer up and recharge your energy: exercise or meditation. If the morning without coffee is not fun, translate your relationship with this drink in a slightly different plane and make them as much as possible conscious. Savor the aroma and enjoy the taste of the drink, sipping it from your favorite mug. After a while, it may turn out that this ritual is much more important than the coffee itself.

4 . Start moving and do not stop

  • Movement is not only a powerful tool for improving mood and reducing stress, but also proven to be an effective way to preserve excellent memory and general mental skills.
  • To resist the growing tension can be through physical activity: every minute spent on yoga, jogging or cycling, becomes a contribution to the fight against stress.
  • Simple morning charging sets the necessary pace for the whole day and helps to focus on important tasks. Needless to say, successful people prefer to train in the morning. Begin at least 10 minutes of moderate physical activity per day and gradually increase its duration to the recommended half hour.

5 . The best rest is silence

  • Yes-yes, yes, without mention of meditations, there is not a single article about changing life. Well, what to do, if it really works. Approximately 80% of visits to doctors are somehow related to the effects of stress, imagine what a monstrous waste of time and money? What is even more amazing is that we can reduce all these costs with ... right, meditation. These practices help to cope with stress, to strengthen immunity, to create a dream and to feel really happy. Only five minutes of such relaxation will make the day much more joyful. Another bonus: regularly meditating people rationally think and experience less anxiety when life throws in another surprises.

6 . Take care of your skin, always.

  • It's simple: happy skin - you are happy. Of course, the consolidation of this habit does not differ from others, it also takes time. Here, even not so important is the well-known rule of three weeks - the constancy, regularity and understanding of why you do it, is much more useful than striking the days on the calendar. The notorious concealer will hide the signs of fatigue in two counts, but real changes in the skin condition always come from within, slowly but surely. Choose something that will not only improve the complexion, but also bring real benefits to the body, be it cosmetics or food. Just repeat all the necessary procedures in the morning and in the evening - after a while you will notice that the skin is shining with health and the mood is not so gloomy. Trite, but nothing better than mankind has not come up with.

7 . Feed the soul, not the ego

  • Here everything is simple: do what pleases you. Not all our achievements fill the soul with joy. Regular processing can be useful, but in the end it leads to the depletion of far from infinite reserves of the body. The benefits of this behavior are less than from regular rest and relaxation. Buy, finally, shoes that you want for a long time, pamper yourself with ice cream at lunchtime and watch the old films all the way through the old films. At all - well, most - your actions should be one and only reason: it brings joy. You do this not because this is another item in the list of cases.

8 . Trust your intuition

  • Doubtful beauty expression "in the cold" is not a metaphor. Before making important decisions, listen to your feelings: the body often tells us what we need, even before we realize it. Take a break if tired. Go somewhere if the soul asks for change. In short, when something goes wrong, ask about the reasons for yourself first. If you are not a person-intuition, it will take some time to learn to listen to the inner voice. Simply distract from all worries, rest and honestly answer what you are feeling right now. Chances are great that you perfectly know what you really want. You just need to stop for a while and listen to yourself.

9 . Break the usual order of things

  • Set yourself a task at least once a week to try something completely new. Well, or if enthusiasm is in excess, once a day. It is not necessary to immediately take on something large - just go to work the other way. Even such a seemingly trifle is an unusual experience. It helps to open the mind to new ways of thinking and perceiving, which in turn will make you a bit, but happier.

10 . Create yourself a comfortable environment

The first stage of creating healthy relationships in every sense is a responsible approach to what and by whom you fill your life. Yes, the prospect of turning life-threatening relationships into pleasurable and comfortable ones can at first frighten, especially if it concerns friendship, family, food, work or yourself. Nevertheless, this is important.

Those who are responsive to the choice of the environment, often find themselves more confident in decision-making.

11 . Learn new things

The process of obtaining new knowledge makes us happy, it's a fact. It also helps to prolong our life and make it more interesting and rich, and also removes unnecessary prejudices. Want to start small - learn to knit, for example. The web is full of training videos, so you can master this simple thing without even getting out of bed. If you are attracted to large goals - go for a three-month web design course. Whatever you decide to do, the brain in any case will be deeply appreciated.

12 . Start to write diary.

Removing tension, developing creative abilities, increasing self-confidence and inspiration to achieve goals - a simple occupation, and so much good. If this is given with difficulty, do not immediately take the obligation to write something every day. The process of creating a text is important, and not how many times you do it, so for starters, you can limit yourself to a couple of classes a week. Set the timer, give yourself a simple theme, for example "What do I expect from this day," and write whatever you think. Believe me, in the end you will look forward to these sessions.

main source




Very good tips! Meditation ftw!

thank ya !

nicely done post! mate

You know what this is the best motivational post i have ever read on steemit. :-)

thank you pal :)

I agree with so much of this (even the more unusual one about taking care of your skin!) Also, I see you mention of world sucking - are you a nerdfighter?!

thanks, i just wrote my bio for fun honestly :)
"decreaser of world sucking" i meant :)

Haha, if you look up "decrease worldsuck" you'll see that it's one of the main tenants of Nerdfighteria so I thought I'd check. :)

i didn't know about that :) lol

This post has received a 11.02 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @mirage.

This post got a 21.43 % upvote thanks to @mirage - Hail Eris !

Great post! I can see all your efforts, keep it up.

I'm a big supporter of meditation and have been practicing it for years. The health benefits are endless!

thank you so much!
Since i opened spiritual world to myself i'm grinding towards opening my higher chakras :)

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