Dream on...it is free

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


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Have you ever wondered, how important is it to make dreams? Since we were little kids we used to dream of what we would like to do when we grow up!

I wonder what happened between then and now..

I guess later on, we set other priorities, such as professional recognition or even a happy marriage that is usually sealed with the arrival of a child or two...or more! Throughout the fourth decade of our lives, our dreams are connected with our children and later with our grandchildren!

And before you know it...time is not enough

We are often overwhelmed by feelings of pessimism that prevent us, or even worse, forbid us to dream.... But think about life! Those endless possibilities....

A short trip! That is exactly what life is... And I wonder, is it worth spending our whole life with unpleasant thoughts that make us stagnant and distract us into misery? Life needs positive thinking and effort! And I assume everyone of us knows that...it is just that there are times that people forget or even compromise....

It is up to us to make the impossible, possible! Each and everyone of us can do it! It is just that sometimes we all need someone to remind us of what is important... All it takes is to believe in ourselves and not be influenced by negative people.

We all need a boost in the form of positive people who believe in us and our abilities! Because people who urge you to dream, deserve more than your dreams! So the best thing you have to do is simply... to keep them in your life!


Until next time...
Stay awesome!
Cheers @mindtrap


xaxaxaaa...ευτυχώς που είναι και κατι τσαμπα! :p

Μονο τα ονειρα ειναι τσαμπα πλεον Νικο

Αρκεί να το πιστέψεις …!

Eτσι ακριβως!

Life should be easier, should also consider politicians, authorities and the big people

and the banks

and the teachers

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