Love should be more of a verb

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

It's not a wedding Saturday as usual but I have been tempted to wanting to make this post since luckily, I got some strength to publish.

Mr. Chuka is married to Mrs. Ifeoma Chuka for 25 years. The couple couldn't wait so long to start preparing in a top gear mode for their Silver jubilee anniversary. Blessed with 5 Children, 4 girls and a boy, Mr. Chuka was so elated with heart of praise, filled with gratitude and a big grin to confirm his happy mood, he celebrated the birth of his last child who is his only Son as though he never had any child before him. China Jnr. was the apple of the eyes of the family and as the only son to an influential Igbo Man of the South East region in Nigeria, he was entitled to his Fathers' wealth.
Chuka Jnr was 15 when his family celebrated Silver Jubilee of conjugal bliss and togetherness. Mr. Chuka had a very amazing display of love for his wife and children. He was a man of action and very little words. On an interview the children granted in the silver jubilee celebration of their parents, when asked "How often does your Dad expresses his love to your Mom by words and actions, the Children responded in unison

Our Dad has never said " I love you" to my Mom before
He just loves her daily and shows it to her by his action
Daddy is a verb (Action word)


In today's generation, the quantity of affection displayed by virtue of professing love to one another vocally is second to none and no generation ever has any iota of stylish display of affection and love ours.
From the fictional story above, it might seem from afar like there was some content of love mixing from the doses of love showered to Mrs Ifeoma by her husband. But he just has a sterling quality of love he sprinkles to his Wife.
How much of the excitement does today's generation of young people display practically to their spouses or lovers?.

We here lots of "I love you" freely than practically today.
How can you tell someone you live he/she yet, you can't make any iota of sacrifice to waxen to said love?


The Story from this post holds true to an average African society. You barely hear the word "Love" from our parents who have lived more than 30 years in marriage to our Mothers but the bond between them is just so highly electrovalent.
Average African families frown at divorces and uses communication to enliven their Union.
Unfortunately, social media a good tool to waxen and promote the cause for communication and social events as well as networking has seen it's negative side too especially in the lives of today's marriages.
You celebrate with couples on their wedding days and boom! The next thing they are divorced or domestic violence takes over.
Hell! No!!!...We weren't thought such by our parents how then did such ill habit became a trend?


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