If you can dream it; you can Steemit

in #writing7 years ago

Dreams aren't supposed to make any sense. They're just what happens when you put your head down for the night and your brain decides to work on itself in an imaginary atmosphere for hours getting chased by giant unimaginable thoughts.
A surprising number of society's innovations come from dreams, proving that the brain is truly a giant organ.

...With dreams, the brain earns much accolades and respects and it is our greatest money making instrument.

When the dream is big don't expect little challenges, am being specific of those who desire the best of everything.

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Einstein dreamed that he was walking through a farm when he came upon a bunch of cows huddled up against an electric fence. The farmer suddenly switched the fence on, and Einstein watched all of the Cows jump back at the same time as they got shocked.
Assuming that he'd witnessed some kind of synchronized Cow acrobatics, Einstein recounted what he'd seen to the Farmer, who had been standing at the opposite end of the field. What the Farmer saw was different, he he'd seen the cows jump away one by one, like they were doing the wave at a football game.
Einstein wasn't content with simply waving this away as a silly dream. After pondering on the problem for a while, he began to put together the idea tevents look different depending on where you're standing because of the time it takes the light to reach your eyes. Thus, the
Theory of Relativity

If you're truly ready to travel that miles towards greatness you must fuel your tanks and bank on extra bunker, the root that leads to the best doesn't always look inviting or attractive it's customized for only the fearless fighters and all who is patient and willing to journey through pains, bear the burnt and bruises in sacrifice for the future.

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Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
Dale Turner

The Great Mandela of most recent time and many great icons of the world are ordinary people of great sacrifices. In fighting bravely we defend even in weakness and willing to sacrifice all providing solutions, I had noticed that to live forever we must present our life as sacrifice servicing the need of the world.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. A positive attitude can really make dreams come true. Every great dream begins with a dreamer who believes in the power of dreams and passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
Langston Hughes

To be the best of anything you must give everything, always remember that giving isn't sacrifice but giving the best is.
Give your best In your home, career and other aspect of living. this is one great principle and proven method to becoming great.

Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs
Farrah Gray

Dream until your dream come true...You can't beat a dreamer who never gives up...Because he never stops believing in dreams




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