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RE: The higher force in our lives, the darkness and the light
A great post about the important things in life!
I believe in Truth, Integrity, Love, Compassion and Discernment.
If the majority of humanity put these above money, fame and living on the treadmill not questioning anything then the world would be in a much better state than it is.
I channel Divine energies to do healing work, both for people, but also for humanity and our planet and all the evil and wrong that is going on. I wrote 'Awaken' to share how we can use energy and the power of the universe to create positive change. Most people don't want to know, but those that are Awaken with fire in their souls will keep spreading the message!
Thanks again for your heartfelt post and lovely photos.
True, money is a high priority for most people, but it is not evil, our choices are the decision makers and, yes, sometimes we put too much power in the material things that have no real strength, just the one we give them.
No money itself is not evil, but it was created by evil to control the masses, so it does a lot of wrong to the majority of people who are living as slaves to the monetary system, which is why the blockchain has been invented.
More good hearted people need to have more money, and there lies a big problem, but many are working on it!
It would be good to see more integrity and caring going on, which it is, but it just seems to have less money to do the good. Blessings
It is the system not the money, we are taught to fit boxes of employment, the more we work, the more tax has to be paid and the more money goes away for everybody else, but yourself. The power is where we put it, and for me it is greed that seems to show very ugly sides of people, but I am sure we can all come together and work on a better future. s you said, the solutions are made now, hopefully they will work for the better.
Yes I agree it is the whole system, that is what I was meaning by being slaves to the monetary system.
The more those who are aware spend money with those who are choosing natural products, businesses, environmentally friendly etc then the more the shift of power will go to Pure over evil.
It is happening! We need to keep the sharing and awareness going!