The Ritual

in #writing8 years ago


This story contains a couple of sex scenes. Although they have little to do with either pornography or erotica, and the scenes are an integral part of the narrative, still if this isn't your cup of tea here is your chance to exit.

The Ritual

"What a weirdo," Adele LeGrange, a new hotel receptionist, whispered to her night shift co-worker, Ben Raspberry, pointing with a slight movement of her eyes at the back of the guest as he followed the bellboy with his suitcases upstairs.

"Why?" Ben smiled with half of his face while continuing to follow the registration list with his index finger. His mind was on his work, but it was hard not to smile back at Adele. He did this almost subconsciously, regardless of what she was saying as long as she was saying this something to him.

Blond, blue-eyed, petite, soft-featured, beautiful - Adele was like a creature of a different world, an angel. Ben couldn't imagine how did she all of a sudden appear here working with him and why? Well logically, he did of course. Like everybody else she came through personal and then had an interview with the hotel manager Mr. Schillow. But metaphysically, that was another matter. He tried to block her beautiful presence out of his mind and not even venture into any possibilities - she was totally out of his league and he didn't want to frustrate himself. Yet ... Her conduct was...if it were not her but some other regular girl Ben would have thought she's coming into him. She always smiled wide at him, touched and even pushed him kiddingly, like a tom-boy and shared with him sweet little nothings like right now.

"I dunno. He looks kinda like," she bit her lip and looked up trying to conceptualize her observation, "like an actor in those old silent movies."

"Charlie Chaplin?"


"Rudolph Valentino?"

"Yeah, from that time, but not handsome. More like a bad guy, you know, with these big bushy eyebrows and a big curvy nose.


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But it wasn't even that..." she rushed, seeing the skepticism crawling into Ben's face - he had been with the hotel for five years, had seen all kinds of people, and was hard to impress.

"It was..." she cringed from the effort and then gave up, "I just had this feeling. I don't know."

"Whoever he is," Ben looked at her seriously, "if he's gonna bother you, tell me."


Ben was wrapping up a phone reservation when the guest described by Adele earlier appeared standing across the counter from him. The man was tall and thick and, despite being focused on the matter at hand, Ben couldn't help but notice how his hands and the part of his arms coming out of the ends of his sleeves, were covered with the same dense black hair as the outgrowth curling up from the triangular opening in his light green silk robe.

The man waited impatiently, turning his head around and darting a non-blinking stare at other hotel guests and personnel as they went about their business. When Ben finally finished the man leaned in, conspiratorially.

"Can I have a companion send to my room?"

"Sir?" Ben looked at the man perplexed.

"A female companion for a mating ritual, if you know what I mean," and his voice rose from very low to a shrieking overtone. At the same time, the guest craned his neck toward Ben and raised his right eyebrow unnaturally high as if he was preparing to adjust a monocle.

It took Ben as long to realize what the term "companion" meant under the circumstances as it took him to exhale "aha."

"Sure, Mister...?" He looked inquisitively at the guest.

"Barnaby, Mr. John Barnaby."

"Sure, Mr. Barnaby." He quickly checked and realized that the guest was occupying the penthouse suite. "Any ethnic preferences?" He added with a collaborative whisper.

Mr. Barnaby only opened his goggled eyes even wider and now raised both eyebrows.

Ben surmised he needed further clarification. "I mean do you want White, Oriental, Latino, or Black?"

"As long as they are from this planet they are OK. But I want the one that performs in the most typical way." Ben's face melted into a polite smile and then right away dimmed with concern.

"You mean...."

"The most typical." Mr. Barnaby confirmed.

Ben helplessly turned toward Adele, who was secretly listening to the whole conversation, her face red and her lips tightly shut from holding her laughter.

"Sure Mr. Barnaby, I'll make sure to send you the most typical one."

As the guest moved toward the stairs, Adele finally broke into laughter. "Didn't I tell you he was a weirdo?"

"Just a dirty old man on vacation," Ben answered phlegmatically as he searched for something on his computer screen.



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Tammy looked more like a CEO of a company than a call girl. Her bronze hair was held in a tight ponytail, her expensive navy suit hid her naturally curvy lines, and her blue eyes looked coldly and businesslike through her no-nonsense thick-rimmed glasses. She first stepped into a bar near a restaurant and called the clerk on duty, the one who invited her. While waiting she ordered a glass of dry Martini, lit up a cigarette, crossed her legs and took a deep drag. The clerk approached her and they talked for five minutes, during which Tammy put down some notes on her iPod. Once the clerk left she got up from the stool, winked to a barman and drank the Martini, took the last drag and squashed her cigarette in the ashtray and went towards the elevator.



“So what’s on the today’s menu, honey?” Since Mr. Barnaby didn’t respond right away, she took an iPod from her purse and continued, “How many positions do you want?”

"I want the most typical."

"Ok," she nodded "So let's say the Missionary, the Doggie style and the Butterfly, good?" Mr. Barnaby nodded. "What about fellatio for starters, huh?" she made a sucking sound with her lips and smiled invitingly. He nodded again. "Anything else? How about anal for dessert?"

"Is this typical?" Mr. Barnaby raised his right eyebrow.

"Typical?" Now Tammy momentarily raised her eyebrows. "There's no such thing, honey, as typical in these matters. Someone might someone else might do this all the time and someone else not do this at all."

"I want the most typical." Mr. Barnaby insisted.

"OK," Tammy rolled her eyes; "I guess if fifty percent of the people do this all the time, it's pretty fucking typical." She looked at her iPod counting out loud: "Five hundred retainer for the visit, hundred and fifty for each penetration, a two hundred and fifty dollars for fellatio, and a three hundred for anal. Altogether," she smiled charmingly, "thousand dollars even. Payment is upfront."

"Is this all?" Mr. Barnaby passed her a pack of banknotes.

Tammy wrinkled her forehead perplexed "All? Hm...I can strip for you if you want."

"What's strip?"

"It's an erotic dance."

"A mating ritual?"

"You can say so."

"Let's do that then."

"Sure. That'll be another..." she stopped for a second "You know what, I'll do this one for free today, just because you are so cute."

She got up from the chair, counted the pack of bank notes that Mr. Barnaby handed her, removed the ponytail ribbon and shook her hair allowing it to spread over her shoulders and clicked the menu choice in her iPod.

The sounds of rock music filled the room and Tammy started to strip. She was a professional dancer; her movements were precise and graceful. Mr. Barbary looked at her with great attention, rocking impatiently on the bed and producing strange gurgling sounds.

"Bool... bool... bool... bool...."

When topless Tammy approached him, hinting with her movements for him to remove his last garment, he unexpectedly got up from the bed, passed by her and started to dance himself.

At first, Tammy just sat on the bed in a dull stupor, but then she started to laugh louder and louder. Movement for movement Mr. Barnaby was repeating her dance, except that her sexy movements looked ridiculous and funny implemented by his large, flabby and very hairy body. Tammy could only exhale between laughs. "Oh, man, oh this is funny, oh baby, I should fuck you for free just for this...."

When Mr. Barnaby finally finished and sat down next to her on the bed Tammy, still giggling, lowered herself in front of him onto her knees and pulled down his pajama pants. What she saw there abruptly interrupted her laugh.

"Where is it?" She now looked straight at Mr. Barnaby's face.

"Where's what?"

"Where's your dick?"

Following her gaze, Mr. Barnaby looked at the little knob that hung between his legs.

"Is it not good?"

Tammy's eyes were big. "Not good? I don't know. Maybe it's good for something, but certainly not for what we were about to do."

"Is it too small?"

"You could say that again, bud."

"How big did you expect it to be?"

"Well, based on your height and stature I was actually expecting something around eight inches. But forget what I expected. I don't think in the most excited state you'll get more than two inches out of this thing."

"Wait a second" Mr. Barnaby suddenly got up, went to the bathroom and almost immediately came back. This time, to Tammy's amazement, Mr. Barnaby's penis was, if not huge, then of a very considerable size.

"How in the hell?" she stared at his organ completely overwhelmed. "I've never seen anything like that. I mean I've seen weird things, but…? Mmmmm.Yeah."

"Is it good now?" Mr. Barnaby raised his right eyebrow as if nothing really happened. Tammy took his penis in her hand and touched it just to make sure it was real. And it was, very much real, red even purple, hot and hard - the way a real excited penis ought to be.

Tammy went through the routine, still from time to time looking at Mr. Barnaby and shaking her head.

Being utterly preoccupied with the unusual transformation that Mr. Barnaby's organ has undergone, Tammy did her job mechanically, without taking her usual pride in her work. She even, absentmindedly, did a "Reverse Cowgirl" instead of a "Butterfly", to which Mr. Barnaby only responded with the same gargling "bool... bool... bool... bool..." sounds.

Only when she was working through the anal penetration, Tammy noticed that Mr. Barnaby didn't climax even once and her professionalism finally overpowered her bewilderment. She felt she owed it to the guy for his money and she doubled her efforts.

But after another half an hour and trying another three positions, she understood that it was just not meant to be.

Tired, sweaty and somewhat irritated, Tammy rolled away from him and crossed her hands underneath her head. "You got a cigarette, cowboy?"

Mr. Barnaby, with his penis still keeping the right angle with his body, got up, took out a cigarette and a lighter from the bedside table drawer gave it to Tammy and lit it for her.

After taking a couple of deep drags she shook her head and said: "Must be not your day, pal. I'm sorry. I owe you one."

At this moment Mr. Barnaby became very serious. He got up from the bed, pulled another drawer from the table and took out a little velvet-covered box and, kneeling down on one knee in front of Tammy. Looking straight into her eyes, he opened the box and took out a ring with largest and clearest diamond Tammy had ever seen and, holding it in front of her said, in his low and crackling voice:

"Would you marry me?"

Tammy's jaw dropped. She got up abruptly as if a wasp had bitten her and started quickly dressing. Then she rapidly grabbed the remaining money from the table and opened the door. Standing one leg in the corridor, she could only utter: "You are something man, you are something else... oh, my fucking, god. I swear... I swear...." She wanted to say something else, but only shook her head and slammed the door.



Mr. Barnaby got up from the floor, put on his robe and waited by the door, making sure his visitor was, undoubtedly, gone. He then sat at the table, opened his laptop and turned it on. The screen lit up displaying another face. The word "face" here could be used only conditionally because what was looking at Mr. Barnaby - blue and ivory with three large dark holes in its cheesy porous midst - was anything but a human face.

The face started to speak and the language it used would have surprised any linguist because it wasn't any language known to man since the ancient time. Yet converted by the Universal Intergalactic Translator, it would sound, approximately, as follows:

"And so, my dear viewers, we are happy to greet you today at the final round of our great game "Wild Planets." To those who just joined the planet-web at our frequency and who missed all the preceding action, the game started with 1024 contestants who have been given difficult assignments on the different planets. Each time only one of two participants were allowed to advance to the next round of the game. Again, for those who missed the previous action you well come to see our game archives."

As the show host continued talking, Mr. Barnaby inserted his hand inside his deep black hair, pulled something that looked like strangely bent in space microchip, inserted it into the slot in the laptop and pressed the nearby button.

"And now," the host continued, "without further ado, allow me to present you the dramatic resolution of the "Wild Planes" game. This time, the assignment was especially complex. It was neither a test of your brute force and martial art training like it was in the round 24 when the contestants had to combat an unknown wild animal, neither was it a purely intellectual assignment as it was during the round 28 when the contestants had to translate a message from one the unknown language to another. This time, the assignment was a combination of physical, intellectual, but mostly emotional skills. The assignment was to participate in the mating ritual of the specifically chosen wild planet. Not only our two finalists had to research the local customs by a very sketchy and primitive video clip taken from the planet a hundred of the planet's years ago, but also they had to find a willing partner and participate in the mating ritual without being detected. This last task lead us to the intellectual or rather demanding part of this challenge. Each of the finalists had to come up with the bionic costume, based on the material of the video clips that would either facilitate the success of their mission or its failure."

"Before our viewers see the contestants recording, let me now briefly go over the local mating ritual. First, the male had to stand on one knee and give a female the ring made of heavy metal and restructured polished carbon. Second, the participants had to legitimize their mating by letting other members of the community know about it and then entertain them with a feast and a dance. And only then the actual mating happened by both participants making a contact with their consumption cavities and tentacles...That was the video clip. Of course, the reality could proof something entirely different. Especially in view of the fact that on this last step of the competition, we've made it super difficult for contestants by dropping them to literally the same target spot."

"So now, let's see if we have a recording sent by our participants. My friends, we already received the recording from the contestant number one! Let's see it."

Mr. Barnaby, satisfied with the fact that his transmission to the contest center was successful, went on watching the recording with visible interest.



"Adele, can you please hold the floor for me?" Ben requested after getting the phone call on his cell.

"Why, what's the deal."

"Nothing. Just need to meet someone at the bar."

"Adventure?" she smiled inquisitively

"I wish. No. Strictly business." He smiled back.

"Sure thing Benny. Go ahead, I'll hold the floor for you."

The hotel bar was close by and was opened all night. Ben had to pass by the lobby and went one staircase down. The bar was almost empty. Right away he noticed Tammy sitting on the stool by the bar counter with the tall glass standing in front of her. She seemed to be deeply in thought and yet she noticed him and gesture him to come closer.

He approached respectfully. Tammy was a valuable resource, a true professional – he always called her when the request was made from the hotel's penthouse suite.

As they talked, completely occupied by the conversation, not noticing that they were watched. When Ben was returning from the bar on his way to register Adele unexpectedly confronted him, grabbed him by the hand. There was something unusually strong and possessive in her grab and in her look that was now steady and almost piercing.

"What did you talk to her about?" Adele talked fast and angry and a little louder than it was appropriate under the circumstances, especially considering the quietness of the night. She pulled him by the hand almost dragging him toward one of the empty rooms on the first floor, unlocked it and pushed him in.

"What happened?" he turned to her, "why are you screaming?"

Adele lifted her arms up closer to her chest and holding them in the tight fists inhaled as if holding herself.

"Who is she?"

"She is…" Ben hesitated to continue. "She is a very valuable resource. I always call her when I get a request from the penthouse. Customers were always happy."

"a whore, huh?"

"As I said, I prefer to think of her as a valuable resource."

"What did you talk to with this whore about? Were you arranging to fuck her?" Now her voice was more reserved. She even tried to sound somewhat sarcastic.

"You're kidding right?" Ben laughed "Even if I wanted, I couldn't. Do you know how much she charges?"

"But did you? Did you want her?"

"No. I wasn't even thinking about it. I told you it was just business. She was just asking me about?"


"She was asking me about Mr. Barnaby."

"What was she asking?"

"Nothing special. What do I know about him? I mean how solid he is financial. Stuff like that. Why do you at all care?" Ben voice now sounded almost irritated.

"Because…" Adele lowered her eyes and blushed, "because…" she said as if visibly forcing herself, "in such matters everyone is trying to protect your own interests."

"In what matters?"

And then she whispered something that left Ben bewildered. "In love."

"You mean, you…" he made a gesture by pointing his finger first at himself, then at Adele and then at himself again. Realization slowly crawled into his mind quickly denigrating his normally decent ability to speak.

"Don't talk" Adele moved close and put her finger to his mouth. "Kiss me." She pressed her body tightly to him and tilted her head back. Like two strips of cherry bubblegum formed to perfect petals, her mouth opened inviting him to the grotto of pleasure. Ben kissed her first very lightly and instantly felt himself getting hard.


He was embarrassed by displaying this hardness and confused because in his mind of a mind he didn't want to have sex now in the middle of the shift - this was so unprofessional. And yet, her clinging to him even harder and unconsciously rubbing herself against him was such an unpredictable and immense happiness that Ben abandoned reason and just followed his instincts. Those made them undress feverishly and guided him in entering her carefully and gently. As Ben established himself and started moving he felt himself in heaven even thought at first it was a whole lot of him squeezed in a very little bit of her and Adele was moaning and mumbling some undistinguishable sweet nonsense.




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"Go." Adele told Ben rising on her elbow. "I need to freshen up."

"Kiss me, sweetheart," Ben's voice was soft and gentle.

"Ok," she brought his head close, "You, animal you." and kissed him again. "Now leave. Don't forget. We need to hold the floor. I'll be back with you there in no time. No time at all."

As Ben left, Adele, still naked, instead of going to the shower, hung over to the side of the bed and pull a portable from there, similar to the one Mr. Barnaby was using.

She quickly placed it on the table and turned the button on. The screen lit up displaying the same blue cheese face.

" friends, and now we all impatiently waiting for the transmission from the second contestant." Adele instantly sunk her hand in her hair, released the chip, and plugged it into the slot on her laptop.

"... And what do we hear from our communication team? Aha, the second recording was received. Excellent. To the screen, please."

To Ben, the encounter with Adele seemed endless and all consuming, while in reality, it took only close to five minutes, as Adele timed it watching the entire encounter with the interplanetary audience.

"Astounding!" the blue cheese face exclaimed, "the second contestant was actually able to be exceptionally natural through the entire encounter. I am sure this brilliant performance will increase her chances in the eyes of the judges.

Now, we all will be impatiently waiting for judges decision who of the two contestants would win our main prize: the 100 units of spacetime life energy!"


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