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RE: [Corkboard of Randomness] 📌Flagship Article📌 Your "Two Cents" Are Needed! 🍿

in #writing6 years ago

The only thing I can squeeze is the hard drive space. If and only if, we hit a ceiling with big data, which we will! And, if tech doesn't become obsolete. Real estate is honestly the best example. There are people that don't see the intrinsic value of gold. What if we up and didn't lust for gold as humans anymore, for what ever reason. Now, communications on the other hand, even cosmically, depends on the transmission purity of gold...but what if that became unimportant for some reason. We evolved from the need, or posses ESP, or create/discover something strong to serve that purpose. With all that said, what are your thoughts on "tokenizing" property. Call it Real Coin! Bahahahahaha So now, it lowers the walls for investment and decentralizes the act of financing! I think maybe eliminating the issues of the recent burst...


That's an intreguing thought... Never thought about tokenizing the real estate investment. I don't even know how it can be done, except for buying real estate with cryptocrunnecy as one of the payment options... Other than that, I have no clue how it can be done :) But hey, I'm always open for possibilities.

I think the owners of the property would do it, but what if someone wanted to claim their piece, not take some currency value? There would have to be some rules to help keep things organized, and not have chaos in homes because of some stubborn person. Was just thinking of something tangible to back a currency, that will forever have value to humans.

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