Relationship Expectations- a Simple Guide Part 2
A continuation of Relationship Expectations- a Simple Guide Part 1
FOREWORD: Communication is key- no matter with whom you are speaking. If something gets missunderstood, fights can and will break out, speaking from experience here. I should mention this so that my story is more clear to others: This relationship was with a person who could not speak English, nor did he know many simple words, so, being where I am in Austria, we spoke the German language. At the beginning of the relationship I was still learning the language so we would have many missunderstandings, due to the language barrier, later on I more or less mastered the language. Not to mention we had totally different goals in life- me still in school, on my way to Uni in a few years, wanting to become a (child) pshychologist in the future (or a massuse) and he being a lowly "garden keeper" who keeps the city clean, almost like a street cleaner...
I only mention more of my backstory so I can better help you all in the decision making of starting a relationship or the continuation of one. For your benefit and that of your partner, have a similar goal in life, whether it be future jobs or future kids (my partner and I had thought we would see the day to have kids together, but in all honesty I'm glad that relationship is over), because having similar goals means you are both on the same track. It's easiest all around if you both know what you'll be doing and it may initiate teamwork to help each other reach their goals.
Relationships require a lot of work. It takes both individuals in a relationship to make the relationship actually function and people nowadays seem to be forgetting that or have just forgotten entirely. A good, solid, structured relationship is a rare sight to see in today’s world, so it’s important to know the ins and outs between a good, long lasting relationship and one that is only superficial and not too serious.
In part 1, I left off with the introduction and the first main paragraph, today I am handing you the Foreword note (found near the top of this post), part of the main introduction and new to you paragraphs 2 and 3. If you find this guide to be interesting, helpful or in any way entertaining, please drop a comment, I will be happy to hear from my audience and even more delighted to reply to you. Now here you have it with Part 2:
Second, I would like to express my feelings and expectations for when I am with you and doing something together. My expectations here are: “I expect…”
- Spending meaningful time with you (at home and out on a date). By meaningful I mean doing something that has substance or that will help me in life, like a hobby for instance. Watching one mindless movie with you after another is not what I consider ‘quality’ or ‘meaningful’ time with you. That also goes for watching one dumb TV show over and over. When I am with you, I would like to do things that can better the both of us, or find a new hobby together that we can both enjoy. Taking dance lessons, or pottery lessons, or heck even a cooking class with you would be my idea of spending (quality!) time with you. Granted those courses will most likely cost an arm and a leg, but it would be for a good cause to get us closer together. Now keep in mind, money isn’t the only way to have fun. Going to the park or riding bikes or taking a walk together are good definitions of quality time as well. If playing videogames is your thing, try making a date out of it with your partner. A bit of (fun) competition in a relationship is beneficial and will also get you closer together. Or, for all you old-schoolers out there, break out those classic board games and have some good fun!
- Sleeping with you (sex is not what I am referring to). Sleeping here is a big factor for me. If we can only see each other on the weekends for a total of two and a half days, which in hindsight is extremely ridiculous and so not enough time together, the last thing I want to do with my precious time with you is to spend it sleeping! Granted, sleeping with you is nice and relaxing (can you say big, comfy body pillow?!) and very important for me to keep beautiful, I feel I could get more bang with my buck if we were to maybe wake up earlier and be ready for the day to do something fun rather than sleeping the day away.
- Having sex with you. To some, sex is considered to be the crème of the crop of a relationship. Yes, sex is very important in a serious relationship but it should not be all that a relationship is based on. Sex is a wonderful way to bond, both physically and mentally. I am sure most of you know what I mean by that. But it is not to be confused with lust. Most men think women do not like sex and if they do, they are considered sluts, even if she does not sleep around. Believe it or not, most women have a stronger libido and would enjoy having sex with you more than once a week. That age old excuse of “Not today honey, I have a headache” means more than what you would think. Women like to try new things, especially when it involves someone she loves. Maybe she is tired of the same old sex routine, or maybe you as the man only go long enough to get yourself off and do not seem to care, or forget, to get your partner going. Foreplay is beneficial for a woman to get herself going, so help her out and give her a massage or simply use your imagination, or just ask her what she would prefer. And if you really want to make both parties happy, take a quick break and keep going, that way everybody will be satisfied.
Third, I would like to express my feelings and expectations before being intimate with my partner. My expectations here are: “I expect from you to…” - Have clean, clipped nails. This is simply from a hygiene standpoint- even if we’re not jumping right in to having some finger fun down there, I would hope to see clean fingers and hands all the time. It shows me you know how to keep yourself clean and you know that it is an important part of life, for you and for me! If your job involves getting your hands dirty, keeping your hands clean will be less revolting for me when your fingers are “discovering” places on my body and I wont have to worry as much as for what infection I may or not get after the fact. Believe it or not folks, women can get infections in their nether regions from grimy fingers, unwashed underwear or sex toys and also from soap-not just from an unfriendly sexually transmitted disease.
- Brush your teeth daily. The same goes with bad breath. To be honest, I could not care any less if you have bad breath in the morning, or afternoon for us sleepyheads, when you wake up, I am certain that my breath wont smell any better. That is not to say though, that I do not expect you to brush your teeth after you wake up. Please do brush your teeth for the day, if not throughout the day then use mouthwash as well. There is no better mood killer than stinky breath in bed.
NOTE: You can find Part 1 of this Guide here-
Lots of good advice here!
I agree about hygiene and sharing meaningful moments. The main thing is to have as much or more consideration of your partner's wants and needs as your own. Don't be selfish, be attentive and caring! Thanks for part 2, I've been looking forward to this. Hope to read something from you here again soon!
Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for reading! No worries, keep an eye out for part 3, this article will keep getting bigger!