NaNoWriMo Day 3--2083 words--passed the 6,000 word mark

in #writing7 years ago

I got started later today.  

My choice of Starbucks to write at was poor.  It was too crowded.  I went to write on their outside porch.  It was too cold outside to write.

So I drank my coffee and did some morning pages, where I just write in a stream of consciousness to clear my brain before I begin writing a novel.

I then made it to my normal writing spot the library.

There was no world series yesterday, so I got more sleep, and therefore I cranked through til 1 pm.

Ended the day with 2,083 words.

Bringing my total to 6313.  Which is cool, I am over 10% through.

I don't I'll write as much on the weekend.  I like hanging out with the family.

But we'll see.


Well done, over 6k is impressive. I am barely over 2k, so I have to really catch up this weekend. I am sure I'll catch up, I can be prolific when I put my mind to it.

Work will wait, the family is more important, enjoy the walk.

Way to go! I don't think I've hit 1500 words yet. YIKES. I've still got some time to get a daily word count in :) Keep up the great work!


I'm not going to hit it this weekend. Since I know the pace is 1667 words a day I figured beat that right out of the gate.

My hope was 2,500 words a day. That way I can skip weekends.

Well, that didn't happen...

I'm having too much fun catching up with people since my month long hiatus that I feel like skipping the writing tonight but then I'd feel guilty and not be able to sleep anyway. LOL So, I'm off to write something... anything and inch that word count just a little bit. Have a great weekend :)

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