NaNoWriMo Day 2 1883 words–stayed up too late with the World Series--introduce Dragons

in #writing7 years ago

I got 1883 words done today.

That’s above the recommended pace of 1667 words per day. But it’s less than what I want to hit of 2,500, that allows me to skip Saturday and Sunday if needed.

More than needed, but not what I was hoping for.

Today was a fun writing time, because I was able to get all these words done, between 9:45 and noon.

I stopped at noon. I’ve been running on too little sleep watching the world series. Congratulations Houston you deserved it.

(I am useless…)

Today was fun too because I also added Dragons to the story.

I needed a reason for why things are bad in the future. So why not aliens that attacked earth and call them Dragons.

Me writing:

Okay, I need something to have attacked the world from space.


No that’s been used in Starship Troopers and Ender’s Game…

Dragons from space.

Sounds good to me. Keep going.

Remember this is play.

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