NaNoWriMo 17,000 words–wow–I am behind

in #writing7 years ago

I am still trying NaNoWriMo.

But I don't think I am going to hit the deadline. I am currently just past 17,000 words, I should be around 27,000 words at this point.


I am not liking this stress. I have missed a few days for various reasons.

But I am learning how to get more words done in a session. Over the last two days, I have begun sketching out what I am going to write about that day. That gives me a road map for the writing session. As opposed to my normal, let's just see where this thing goes.

I get the sense that NaNoWriMo was started to help people finish a book. I have finished books, but I am not liking this pressure of 1667 words everyday. A 1000 words s day, no problem.

I know there are many that would read that and laugh. Doing 1667 words a day is normal.

I'm not there.

I can do between 1000-1700 words Monday through Friday without a problem. Saturday and Sunday become an issue when my kid is home from school.

Oh, well, the book may not be finished by November 30, but it will be finished.

And that ultimately is the point.


I'm behind too, but I knew I would be. I've done NaNo 4 times now? 5? "Won" twice. Whether I "win" or not, I'm always behind right up to the end. It's how I roll: I'm a procrastinator.

I find that "win" or no, NaNo is useful to kickstart my writing, especially in a year like this one, where I basically got nothing done all summer. Plus, it's a fun challenge.

tl;dr - Don't kick yourself. The journey is the point. :)

Good luck on your adventure!

I've done Nano a couple of times, learned a lot, had fun, hit 50k, and never finished a novel this way.

There's definitely something to be said for slow and steady.

Anyway my comment got far too long so I went and wrote my own Nanowrimo post with a link back to yours!

Thanks, I'll check your post out. I've finished books before, just never 50,000 in 30 days. I definitely can do 50,000 in 40 to 50 days. But 30 seems to be pushing it for me.

big ups to you for even attempting it! that's a pretty monumental task. i may take time off next year to give it a whirl, we'll see. but NaNoWriMo has always been something too big for me, what with working multiple jobs and such.

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