NaNoWriMo--11,635 words down. A little behind.

in #writing7 years ago

I am still attempting NaNoWriMo.

But I admit. This week was tough.

I'm feeling the pressure.

My daughter was off from school for two days this week. So that changes the schedule just a little bit. She did spend a fair amount of time at her baby sitters, but the change in schedule just threw me. It happens.

And then I got sick the last couple of days. I got some stomach virus, and as I write this I think I got it from the children's museum I took my daughter to on Tuesday. I'm surrounded by dozens of kids, there's bound to be a rogue germ around there.

So, I'm behind. By about 5,000 words. On the 10th of November I should be at 16,670 words. So I'm behind.

I'm going to keep trying, but we'll see.


You've got this!

You can do this, hope you feel better!

Don't give up, I am behind too. I find it very hard this week to write every day and now I feel like I am coming down with a cold, but I will keep going. We'll only need a few productive days to catch up, it's still early days.

Thanks. The book will get finished. I'm not sure if I am enjoying the pressure of Nov 30 though! I'll get plowing through. It will be finished the question is will it be finished by the 30th.

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