Dolbin School for the Extraordinary--Chapter 18: You Look Impressive

in #writing8 years ago

 I am publishing my middle grade novel, Dolbin School for the Extraordinary, chapter by chapter.

You can download the whole book for free on Amazon.

Click here for the previous chapter-Chapter 17 The Mile Run.

Or if you wish, you can go back to the beginning with chapter 1-Jake Cooper 

Chapter 18: You Look Impressive

An hour later Jake, Henry, Cal, Bruce, and Kaitlyn walked into the clinic to see Mark. He was sitting in a wheel chair next to the nurse. The left side of his face was covered in bandages, his left ankle was in a cast and his left arm was in cast that went almost up to his elbow.

“Wow, don’t you look ... impressive,” said Jake.

“Impressive,” Henry repeated in a deep voice. “Most impressive.”  

Mark smiled.

“So what’s the total damage?” Kaitlyn asked.

Mark looked puzzled. “What do you mean?”

Kaitlyn waved a hand over Mark, “What’s the damage? How many injuries do you have?”

The nurse interrupted. “He has contusions on the left side of his face, a broken wrist, and a broken ankle,” she said. “I believe he learned that he is fast, but not invincible. He needs to rest.  He’ll be spending the night here in the medical wing.”  

The nurse pointed her finger at the group as if to say, “I have my eyes on you.”

“What did your parents say?” Bruce asked.

“They laughed,” Mark said. “They said it sounded like something I would do. They’re going to come see me tomorrow. They were still getting settled in their new place.” 

Mark smiled at the thought of them coming to visit. Then he groaned from the pain.

The nurse clapped her hands and began shooing them toward the door. “Okay, that’s enough! You five get out. You can see him tomorrow.” 

Kaitlyn looked over her shoulder at Mark and flashed him a smile. “Don’t worry about it, Mark. You look a lot better than I did when I first tripped.”  

Holding up two fingers, she added, “I had two broken legs when I was in here the first time.”

Mark smiled.

“Yes, we all remember that day, Miss Brackett,” the nurse said. “Now goodbye! You can visit tomorrow!”  

With that she pushed them out of the medical wing and shut the door. Jake looked back at his friend through the window.

Later that evening, Jake was relaxing in his bed, staring at the ceiling. His best friend from home, whom he never thought he would see again, was now lying in the medical wing of his new school.  

This new school. The new life. This life of an Extra.

Jake was disappointed that he couldn’t see Mark. But he smiled at the realization that his best friend was joining him on this new adventure. His best friend had already had more of an adventure then he had.  

Breaking all those bones made Mark a celebrity throughout the school. 

Jake fell asleep, happy that his friend was with him.


Take my upvote man

I will sir. And please, take my upvote of your comment! :)

Good post!

Cool Beans

I'm downloading it before going out to work! I like what I read so far!

Thank you! That's awesome.

Great read so far truly enjoying your work mate

Wow, thank you @imgmr

Thank you!
I was allowed very fun read

Thank you!
I will read!

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