A book I wrote on first on Steemit, is now an actual paperback.

in #writing8 years ago

Irving Williams and the Mystery of the Lighthouse Ghost

Back in August I tried an experiment, and I wrote a book from start to finish without outlining, and posting the chapters as I finished them each day.  The experiment seemed to work.

Here is the first post.

The book appeared in the mail tonight in paperback for the first time.

and the back is pretty cool as well.

What appeared here on Steemit is a very, very good first draft.  I hire a proofer and fixed typos and some phrasing.  I added some extra info on some characters, and changed a few items.  So to me that shows my experiment worked.

You can write a story without outlining it, and post chapters as you finish them.

I did change the name as well, from Irving Williams and the Lighthouse Ghost, to Irving Williams and the Mystery of the Lighthouse Ghost.  I like the rhythm of the longer title.

Here is a quick video I made showing the book and looking at it for the first time.

You can preorder the book here on Amazon.  It releases on Saturday on Kindle.  The paperback will be ready in a week or so.

You can also join my Insider's List and get two of my books for free, and get exclusive updates and other information as well.

Thank to everyone that supported the book here on Steemit.  


Good for you man! I'm in the process of doing the same thing with all my real estate posts, turning the into a real estate investing book.

Thanks! It is very cool to see it in paperback.

Good job. Congratulations!

Well done, incredible accomplishment. Thanks for letting us know how something you started here has worked out for you.

Nice job... Looks great!

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