Mini Motivation #9 - Midnight Inspiration

in #writing7 years ago

This is rare.

It's bed time, maybe even past your regular bed time. You're tired, you had a long day, and you've already declared to call it a day.

You roll around in bed for a while, but you can't sleep. Was it because of what you are at dinner?

And then, as you stare into the stillness of the night, it hits you.

You want to sleep it off, you toss around a few more time, but you can't. That idea, it just stuck, and you got to bring it to the world.

So you wake up, found a note pad, and wrote away. (Ok, it may be thumbing away at a phone, or typing away at a keyboard).

And what you wrote, man, that is some epic sh!t!

You just had midnight inspiration. There's no trigger of it, or even ways to re-trigger it. Hard to even engineer the moment. It just happens.

Some called it a message from the divine, others, a glimpse from the life lived before. No real science to it (yet), but all I can say is, if you toss and turn around bed for too long (mine's 5 minutes), maybe it's just your body trying to tell you the day is not over yet.

There's just one more piece of you to leave behind.

And you know what? Those pieces? Those are stuff of legacies. Steem on!

Mini Motivation is my own daily strategy to inspire myself. Mostly 3 minute reads.

From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history.

Hope it helps nudge you a bit too in the right direction.

Oh it did? Let me know in the comments, and of course an upvote would be a nice motivation for me. :)

Stay awesome!

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Great piece of writing, Mav. I had quite a long toss to get to sleep sometimes because of the similar scenario too.

One my business coaches once asked me, "When is the best time to sleep?" The answer, "When you're tired."

Similarly, "When are you supposed to wake up? When you're done sleeping." :)

Very true. I have written some really great stuff, while on my bed, still a bit drowsy from sleep or just about to fall asleep.

I'm thinking it's the same theory of when you have awesome ideas in the shower!

Great post i like it
Perhaps the inspiration that made you write in the middle of the night is your passion for sharing what you feel thank you

I like to think of us have those moments. I've seen artists cry when they painted their masterpieces. Or poets.

I think it's the connection that scares us, and touches us.

Yes Creativity is the product of a feeling that comes to us, and in it we emulate the reality. We express our religion through what we create in all fields, for there is talent.

We as humans do have that feeling once and a while. I do get that feeling a lot. I used to write in my journals and paint. It's like your body and mind want to release its self. That's how all music makers, poets, book writers, cartoonist or a painter want to express themselves, their true inner self. Sometimes, you would ask yourself back - 'Wow, how come I can be that good ?' - for achieving a good poem, painting or a masterpiece...:)

Haha, super agree! It just happens, and usually no "switches". It can be after a movie, or something you read, or just a random thought that won't go away!

Great to know you paint too. I think regardless if it's writing, poetry, painting... It's just a way our minds/hearts are trying to expand itself.

Wow! What an interesting and meaningful post. I love this "From Motivation, we gain Inspiration. From Inspiration, we achieve Momentum. And the rest, they say, is history" .. Nice flow @maverickfoo.keep it up

Thanks @warudo. Have a great week ahead!

Thanks.. And you too

super, very good words, success always make @maverickfoo

Works exactly the same like the "ah-ha" moment you get when you are doing your business in the toilet 🤣

Remember to tone down the blue light or you might stay awake til morning.

I agree. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night or just cannot sleep. I usually receive lots of messages and inspirations which some are noted to my journal while some are just reflections . Love how u put it into words

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