Six Rules for Writing Good Articles

in #writing5 years ago

Writing an excellent article needs two things: great technique and impeccable content. The truth is, for each topic you may have, there are millions of other writers who have already written about this issue and explored the topic. You must figure out what makes you special. Why would the readers be interested in yours? What makes yours different from all the rest?
If you hire an article writing service now from a company like, it is important to ensure that the work is impressive and will have writers coming back to your site for more. Whether you are in college or you are one of the best professional writers in the UK, you need to understand what makes quality writing for both the British and American audiences. Here are some tips you can follow to make your work more captivating.

Minimize your barrier to entry
Ensure the reader is interested in whatever you are writing. Keep them drawn in. To begin with, keep your paragraphs short. A long paragraph at the beginning of the article is a huge barrier to entry. You probably do it yourself. When you see a large chunk of text at the beginning of a book or article, you are not going to read the piece, regardless of how enticing the title is.
A large chunk of text screams that the reader needs a lot of effort to complete reading. So, keep the paragraphs punchy and short, a maximum of three sentences. The first line must have a catchphrase that intrigues the reader to continue reading.

Consider the font
Once you have taken care of the length of the paragraphs, you must concentrate on the texts. Is it visually appealing? Balance the words with empty spaces that will be like taking short breaks while talking. Also ensure the font is beautiful, easy to read and the right size. Brief word and texts are potent.

Short and sweet
The article, like your paragraphs, should be short and sweet. This is about sticking to the point and going straight to the topic. Sure, you want to maintain a friendly tone and engage the reader. However, this does not mean throwing in stories that may not add value to the article. If the sentence you are writing does not bring you a step closer to getting your point across, it is not worth having in the piece. This hurts, but your writing will be better, and your audience will be ecstatic each time you write a new piece.

Give them something
The worst thing that has ever happened to anyone is being stuck reading something that did not say anything. This is a common occurrence and an annoying one. If you are writing a “top five tips” of productivity hack article, make sure yours is different from all the ones online by adding a new point. Just make sure your work is not shallow and pointless. Never write content for the sake of content.

Tell a story
Everyone loves a great story. It is a basic truth. Use a story, a good one, to draw the reader into the article. It is also a great way to bring life to your work. Recount an event and setting the image while unfolding the plot. Stories are excellent for the introduction and a good way to illustrate your point earlier on.

Use subheadings
Subheadings break down the article so that it looks like there are several mini-pieces to read. Even with short paragraphs, some people may still not feel excited enough to read an article that has no subheadings. With subheadings you breakdown the information and tell your reader what will be going on in the next 3-4 lines.


Excellent suggestion; I would add some of my tips. To write research papers , you have to first find a topic you're interested in. You should take enough time to read about it and decide on its most compelling aspects. Then you'll need to come up with some ideas. To narrow your topics, answer questions like "What do I really want to know about this topic?" or "What puzzles me the most about this subject?"

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