Do You Know What's Really In Your Food? We are eating many Creepy Stuff Daily without noticing It.

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Do you know what's Awesome? Food. But do you actually know what your food is made out of insects, antifreeze, and gluten. It can be spooky to think about. But is it completely harmless or should you stay away. let's begin. 

We'll start with "Carmen" which is also known as "natural red dye" or "crimson lake'. It's commonly found in sweet candies, Beverages and even some makeup like lipstick or blush. This ingredient may cause allergic reactions to some people besides that it's relatively harmless unless you happen to be a vegan or vegetarian. "Carmen" is extracted from the bodies of scale insects such as the cochineal. 

"Gluten" That word is everywhere nowadays and it kind of gets a bad rap. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It can be found in many processed foods such as bread, pasta, and pizza. Gluten, when mixed with water and wheat flour, makes bread sticky and more easily shapeable. Many peoples actually have a severe allergy to gluten also known as "celiac disease". If those peoples did choose to eat gluten it would lead to the damage of their small intestines. Not good However it's not risky to you if you don't have an allergy or intolerance. Eat all the garlic bread your little heart desires if you are medically able to. 

Now what about this "Anti-Freeze" that everyone's been talking about. If you haven't heard of that in food. Well, you see "Propylene Glycol" is the main component of antifreeze and can also be found in many foods such as ice cream, cakes, and frosting as a thickener preservative. You would have to try pretty hard to consume enough of this stuff to wear would have side effects. But if it did happen to you. You might experience some "Cardiovascular" problems and your skin might be a bit Irritated. 

How about something else That comes from insects it's called "shellac". It's made from the discharge of the lac insect. But don't be too creeped out. It's not so different than getting honey from a Bee. Shellac is mostly used as a glaze on candies, gums, coffee beans and even fruit. Shellac has not been known to have any negative effects on the body. So it's  ok as long as you're not allergic to it or vegan.


This one's a little bit funky. It's called "Carrageenan". It's extracted from sea weed and it's used to thicken and preserve food or beverages. It's most commonly found in things like soy milk, yogurt, and even ice cream. Sounds harmless right well not so much.This ingredient can cause information and digestive issues. Of course, everything in Balance but I would keep an eye out for this one. 

So I want to know what's your favorite food? Any funky allergies or dietary preferences? 

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If you enjoyed, Re-steam and  Follow me @masonmiler for more content just like this, and as always, take care of yourselves, and take care of each other :)      


Great post!
Following already :)

Thanks for reading And started following you.

great post @masonmiler most that you mention is not the worst at least all this beetles and sea weed are biodegradable and excreted

I know these ingredients is not too much harmless if you don't have allergies or if you are not vegan.

Good article. I enjoyed it.

Are our food killing us? There is so much contamination in our food nowadays

Well, it's safe if you take those ingredients in moderation. But it's more like we are killing insects for our food. Vegans don't like to harm any living being so I think it's good to know for steemit vegans.
And yes these ingredients can harm you if you have any alergy from these.

"And the food has become much more dangerous in ways that are being deliberately hidden from us". Helpful article! Thank you. Upvote!

Thanks for reading tanata

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