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RE: My ideal follower + Beautiful body photography

in #writing6 years ago

Nice post! You have a good idea for positive/negative space and a great use of whitespace to keep the flow going visually. You've chosen interesting images, and tied everything in neatly. I like that you hit the #dolphinschool theme head on, and adding a list of everyone was super supportive! Now, for the critique. First, I'd like to us sneak the dolphinschool messaging into content that will be evergreen. So, you might consider moving that link list to the end. Also, consider adding an NSFW (not safe for work) message if you intend to share nude images. While many places are not as prude as the US, many people here, with that picture open on their desktop during a break in the office, would get written up, so give the heads up. I'm not offended, for clarity, it's a beautiful picture. That's all for today, day 2s assignments are up, be watching for the review post of day 1 this evening! Good job!


Sadly, this was one of my first thoughts too. To be clear I love the post and all the picture selections! It's our prudish culture that makes me sad and knowing that it will not be received as intended in every venue.

That said, steemit's NSFW policy is too broad to be effective. NSFW means different things in different places even within the U.S.

I'm hopeful that we'll eventually be able to add some granularity such as NSFW-R, NSFW-PG13, NSFW-NC17, NSFW-StrongLanguage, etc.

Meanwhile remember: NSFW only hides a post from automatic view if it is the primary tag.

an NSFW in the second line would suffice. If someone continues past that, it's on them. LOL

Sorry! You're absolutely right. At first I included the nsfw tag but it seemed to me that I wasn't getting views because of it. Anyway, now I edited the post to include your corrections. I meant to do it sooner but bandwith got in the way. Hope it's ok now!

I don't even know that you need it in the title, but before any images that could cause problems if displayed publicly. Even though I'm not offended, I probably wouldn't pop that picture up if my sons were around.

And Your Post Was GREAT!

LOL, that NSFW tag might make some scan down to find it! HA!

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