Dark Corners of Humanity: the sale of torture (and the use of fiction to drop knowledge on unsuspecting readers)

in #writing7 years ago

In a world where news articles like this exist, it shouldn't surprise people much that fiction can sometimes only convey a fraction of the horrific things which exist in reality.

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A few years back, I started rewriting a fanfic/spitefic of Fifty Shades of Grey, to play up certain aspects of the glorified abuse and tried to make it over the top. Things like Mrs. Robinson being head of an international child porn ring and had no qualms about selling Christian's subs to brothels across the sea sort of stuff.

Then Pizzagate happened. If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know the amount of research that I put into those articles, especially the first one I published on here. That research has definitely tinged my writing. Hell, Christian Grey himself is the spawn of elites and MKUltra'd in my version.

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Now Pedogate (the sex trafficking of children by government elites) and Pedowood (the sexual abuse of children in Hollywood) have garnered the spotlight, although mainstream media sure as hell doesn't refer to them as such; easier to control a population if that population doesn't realize the lion's share of tragedy is government-sponsored.

So, in the latest chapter of the spitefic, a body double for the protagonist is kidnapped in the Bahamas and her beating is auctioned off while being recorded. Things take a darker turn and a woman who looks like the kidnapped is brought out and her torture is auctioned off, one abuse at a time, until the body double can't take it anymore and bids to save her life. And when that doesn't work, she bids to end the tortured woman's misery.

I got this anon review, and so I shall try my best to answer it here.

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The short answer is yes, this sort of shit does happen.

The slightly longer answer is yes, torture is sold and people do get their organs removed, but there's not much of a smoking gun, as the people so do such things most likely don't want to get interrupted by law enforcement.

I did a search with the query being "do auctions to torture people really exist?" and I got some hits.

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Some of the hits covered the fetishizing of gore, including snuff films.

Some wondered if Hostel was real. A Yahoo Question asked that very thing, and someone provided one hell of an answer.

(I'm leaving the answer as is with the exception of adding spaces between paragraphs to break up the wall of text)

Yes there definitely is a place like this, probably not a fixed place like in the movie but these types of clubs (Elite Hunting) do exist. In actual fact from 1979 to 1983 a number of young men and boys went missing off the streets of Adelaide South Australia. The victims that were actually found ended up with wounds and in chillingly similar circumstances to the victims from the movie Hostel Part 1.

In the case of Josh (Derek Richardson), in the movie you see the Dutch man operating on him and then in the later scenes you see his body is all stitched up, this is exactly what happened to victim Mark Langley in 1982. In 1983 after several tip offs to police a local accountant by the name of Bevan Spencer Von Einem was arrested and charged. To this day Von Einem is the only person ever convicted and sentenced for any of these crimes. Von Einem was only convicted for the last know murder of this group of sociopathic individuals that being the murder and torture of 15 year old Richard Kelvin who vanished whilst walking a quarter of a mile on a busy street from a park to his home in North Adelaide. Richard Kelvin’s body was later discovered in bushland several kilometres from the city eight weeks after his disappearance.

Chillingly however the forensic pathologist determined that he had only been dead for a period of approximately two weeks meaning he was at the mercy of these psychopaths at an unknown location for six weeks prior to being murdered. At the time of the disappearances and Von Einems conviction the city of Adelaide ran rife with rumours as to who was responsible. I have taken a strong interest in this case and on my many visits to Adelaide in my job I have asked many locals such as cab drivers, waiters and hotel staff all of whom have lived their entire lives in Adelaide what their opinion of this case was. It is strongly believed by locals that Von Einem took the fall for a whole group of people who were in some type of underground organisation that kidnapped, raped, tortured and then murdered these young men and boys. Locals believe that several high profile businessmen, politicians and judges may have been involved.

Throughout the investigation a number of people fitting the description above where questioned and in some cases charged but later acquitted. All other cases involving young men and boys found in similar circumstances which have been linked to this group locally dubbed,” the family”, have still to this day remained unsolved. Further more to the theory than Von Einem has taken the fall for many others involved is that locals in Adelaide have told me that through others they know within the justice system that Von Einem lives like a king in Yatala prison. He regularly gets dressed up in women’s clothing, has carpet in his cell and gets many other privileges giving further credence to the theory that high profile people are involved. Until now Von Einem refuses to assist police with their enquiries and his 36 year sentence for the murder of Richard Kevin will finish in 2020, weather or not he gets parole then we will have to wait and see.

A local television series called CIA (Crime Investigation Australia – The Butchered Boys) covered this story quite well.

Other people missing and murdered that have been positively linked to this group and are still unsolved are;
1979 – Alan Barnes (16); disappeared whilst walking home later found thrown over a bridge near the South Para Reservoir in the Adelaide Hills in different clothing to what he was wearing when he disappeared. His body showed he had been operated on and tortured.

1980 – Neil Muir (18?); a local heroin addict vanished from Adelaide city and was later found just off shore snagged on rocks. His head, and limbs had been severed, his internal organs removed his limbs stuffed inside the cavity and then sown up, he also had a bottle forced up his anus. Neil’s remains were found in two separate garbage bags at Mutton Cove Adelaide South Australia.

1981 – Peter Stogneff (14); a local boy who took a day off school to go to the city with a friend vanished and was later dumped in a sugar cane field just before a burn off. His burnt skeletal remains were later discovered by the farmer and they showed his spine had been cut with some type of saw. Unfortunately for Peters surviving family members the remains found at Two Wells Adelaide have never been positively identified as those of Peter Stogneff.

1982 – Mark Langley (18); Mark was last seen in the vicinity of the Torrens River in the centre of the city of Adelaide in the early hours of the morning after leaving a local party. His remains were found later in bushland at Mount Lofty in the Adelaide hills. He had been, “operated on with surgical instruments”, as was canvassed in the news story surrounding his death.

Cathy O'Brien makes the claim in her book, Trance Formation of America, that American businessmen and politicians participate in "Elite Hunts" and that she herself, as a child, was stripped naked and made to hide in a Northern California forest with other kids, while men with guns chased them down.

Doing a search with the criteria, "bodies found without organs" yeilds a plethora of cases.
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And to drill how fucked up humanity can be, I'll end with this:



This makes me incredibly angry. The people who did these awful things need to be snuffed out themselves. How can people turn into such grotesque, vile pieces of garbage and still be allowed to walk this planet. Thanks for reporting on this. Upvoted and resteemed.

This post received a 60.11% upvote from @randofish thanks to @mandireiserra!
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