No Man's Sky | Diary of an Inter-Galactic Traveller - 001 - Who, where, why?

in #writing6 years ago

🌌Dear Diary,

      I don't know who I am, where I am or why I'm here.

   About an hour ago, I grew conscious, finding myself on an icy planet, with my suit's supplies dwindling. Without hazard protection and life support, I was going to die very quickly on this frozen landscape, so those were my first priorities.

     My suit told me I needed to find oxygen and sodium, but not before fixing my scanner - it was close, but I managed to find ferrite (thank the powers that be my laser still had some charge in it!), repair my scanner and find sodium just as my suit's hazard protection dropped to zero. The sodium replenished the protection systems and bought me some time.

     Next was oxygen, which I found in strange, bulbous plants, which thankfully seem to be plentiful on this planet. My life support systems will have a relatively constant supply.

   As soon as my suit felt I was safe, it informed me that my ship's location had been located... I have a ship!

     So I set off immediately in it's direction, hoping I'd find enough sodium and oxygen plants on the way to keep me alive. The distance was not as far as I'd first imagined, but getting there, I quickly realised my ship was badly damaged. I set about fixing the hull immediately...

    My ship gave me all the instructions I needed, and even helped me construct/locate the necessary components.

     Long story short, I'm still not done fixing my ship... After repairing the hull in two places, I discovered the boost thrusters are also damaged.

    So I still have that to do, but now there's a storm so I'm sheltering inside the ship, which is where I found this inter-dimensional log book - also damaged, so I'm only able to hijack the log of some humanoid creature from some far-flung, primitive galaxy, apparently called "Mandelsage".

Sorry, Mandelsage. I had to store these records somewhere! I don't know who or why I am, after all. You understand, right?

   For now, I'm going to wait out this storm. Then, I'll repair my thrusters, find fuel somewhere, and get off this planet to see what there is to be seen.

     I did see a building of some sort before finding my ship, and also received knowledge of an alien word from a strange black monolith that lit up when I touched it...

     Not to mention the glowing red orb that appeared in the vessel not for from my ship! Such a strange feeling... Like it was aware, and aware of my presence...

     So I'm definitely not alone.

     And as annoyed as I am about this stupid situation, I also can't help looking forward to discovering what's out there...

For those of you who are curious to see actual gameplay, you can see me playing through the first half an hour in these two videos:

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Hello @mandelsage, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Ahaha, what an excellent idea, writing a diary story for No Man's Sky !!

I'm sliightly ahead of you ;)

I've visited that Atlas thing you'll hear mentioned a lot, talked to a couple of other Travellers, and made my own homebase !... and I still feel like there's TONS to discover !

Maybe I'll do a post on it at some point too !

Really not sure how I din't respond to you, Peter... Sorry about that! .. Just posted my second installment.

Definitely going to try play more now... I've been so eager to, but Steemit ideas just keep on getting in theway ;P Not to mention RL.

That looks like a rather fun way to go about this game.

I've yet to get back into it. Waiting for some hype to die back down before I give it another try.

Apologies for not replying sooner! .. You should definitely get into it! So far, it is great fun. And I've barely even begun. I just posted the second installment to this.

Very good, writing of your adventures! 😊

Thank you Kittygirl =) ... Can't wait to do the next one. I'm finding it hard to find time to just sit down and play a bit though, hehe.

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