Vocab-ability–16 (aster, astro = star) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #writing6 years ago
Each daily “Vocab-ability 1x1” post has 2 main features, as follows:  

One “Vocab-ability” entry

By spending 5 minutes reviewing today’s “Vocab-ability” entry (below), you can learn the vocab roots and many high-level English words.    

One “Vocab Practice” exercise (for UpVotes)

By spending another 10–15 minutes, you can practice using today’s words by composing your own sample sentences. Your practice efforts will be rewarded with UpVotes.   (See “Vocab Practice” rules and notes below)    Today’s “Vocab- ability” entry

With this ‘Mini-Guide,’ you can identify the components in the “Vocab-ability”  entry above.

(To facilitate your quick reference, the ‘Mini-Guide’ has been minimized. For the full "Guide to Entries," right-click here.

      Introduction – For "Intro to Vocab-ability," right-click here
      Guide – For full "Guide to Entries," right-click here
      Index– For "Index" to all Chapters and Sections, right-click here

Note re Copying each Entry

Each separate post in the “Vocab-ability”  series consists of one entry (one text-box). To use any of these “Vocab-ability”  entries for your personal study or in any classroom, you can download them by clicking and dragging the text-box that you want to use, and then print them out.

Note re Free Use

Please feel free to download the above text-box, copy it, print it out, and distribute it for any and all educational purposes. If “Vocab-ability”  helps you or your students to increase your English vocabulary, it will have served its purpose.
(I hold the copyright to the original “Vocab-ability” guide, which was published in 2002. I hereby grant free use of all the material contained in this post and in all other “Vocab-ability” posts on Steemit).



  1. Asterisk
    Making your text bold on steemit without HTML requires two asterisks in front and two behind the text.
  2. Astronomy
    I was fascinated with tracing the stars to form constellations and that inspired me to study astronomy.
  3. Astrology
    I wanted to help guide people spiritually, and researching horoscopes lead me to further studies in astrology.

Your example includes astrologists which is not part of the three red words above. Thank you for this practice :)

Thanks for pointing that out. That "error" slipped by me, numerous times. Since it's in the original book, and since it's already posted on Steemit, I think I won't bother changing it.

And it not a major error that will cause any confusion (I HOPE!).


  1. Asterisk
    Titles with graphics are marked with one asterisk, titles with sound with two.
  2. Astronomy
    The Caliph was a great patron of astronomy and science.
  3. Astrology
    It's only stupid people who believe in all that astrology mumbo-jumbo.


  • When asked to use a special character in her passwords, she always uses an asterisk.

  • Because my younger brother was fascinated with astronomy, I asked our parents to buy him a telescope.

  • One of my friend was interested in astrology and he always asked people what their sign was.

Good work, but please reread Rule # 6. Points are not numbers, are they?

I am fascinated with what you are doing, every day I learn more with you.

God bless you and continue to fill you with success.


1. Asterisk

The asterisk can appear in the frame of the numbering and bullets, as a way to mark a new topic or theme.

2. Astronomy

The theoretical exam of Astronomy on Wednesday morning went quite well.

3. Astrology

Many civilizations devoted years of study to astrology.



  1. Asterisk
    The customer service of Telecom Italia kept me on the phone for 26 minutes and all I did was listening porn music and pressing asterisks.

  2. Astronomy
    When I was at high school, I studied, among other subjects, ancient Latin, ancient Greek, philosophy, physics, biology and astronomy; the last one was thought only 2 hours a week but I liked it very much and I still remember the life of stars and the theories of galaxies.

  3. Astrology
    I never believed in astrology for two main reasons: the position of the stars is changing and my dad would tease me.

Hmmm, what's this "porn music" which you heard? Where can I hear it?


1 Asterisk

Such an entry shall be denoted in the register by an asterisk.

2 Astronomy

She dabbles in astronomy.

3 Astrology

She thinks that astrology is nonsense.


  1. Asterisk
    He located what appeared to be an asterisk, which produced only an empty silence that he was paying for.
  2. Astronomy
    Unlike astronomy, astrology cannot be described as an exact science.
  3. Astrology
    Astronomy inherits from astrology.

Good writing

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