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RE: I Read a Book!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Reading the printed word. How 20th-century. And I approve wholeheartedly!

Reading digital text, and particularly text found on the internet, is very convenient and can be very educational and informative. There's so much there and there's always more to look up and look into.

But therein lies one of the reasons that I still prefer reading a book or a magazine. When I read something online, I find myself straying from whatever is in front of me. On the other hand, if I'm sitting by the pool or in a cafe or in my easy chair, I'm essentially offline, and I can immerse myself in the story or the article.

Interestingly, when I'm reading the printed word, I find that I often come across topics that I want to discover more about. So, I jot the topic in the margins or on a scrap of paper. Soon enough, I'm back online, and I can google whatever has piqued my interest. But I was offline long enough to expose myself to some of the great writing that never makes it onto the net.

So, to paraphrase the title of this post ... Read a Book!


That's a very smart way to read a book. Thank you for taking out time to reply this post. I do appreciate every comment made here

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