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RE: Vocab-ability–31 (centr, centri = middle, center) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Did you know that "Things fall apart" is from a poem by WB Yeats (See 3rd line of poem, at link below)?

I referred to that poem in a recent post about Lou Reed's lyrics ...

As for your statement in #3, African scholars are generally correct in their assumption. :-(

p.s. Thanks for improving your numbering system.


Thanks for pointing this out, although I am quite aware that Achebe took his title from W.B Yeast's Second Coming. As a matter of fact, Achebe quoted the opening lines of the poem in the first page of the novel:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Achebe's Things Fall Apart is the all time best selling book written by an African. And I think the book attained such heights because of its central theme: The impact of colonialism on traditional African values. The book addresses Eurocentrism and humanizes the African culture. I still remember your fine comments on an article I wrote titled "Conspiracy of the West: Why Chinua Achebe Was Denied the Nobel Prize in Literature".

As for the assumptions about ethnocentrism, I concur. However, I can't seem to find you on the side of ethnocentrism telling from your photo stories.

Thanks for the upvotes.

Always a pleasure.

When I went to university and met people from all over the world, I soon realized how limited the "white man's culture" was / is. Then, I went to live in Japan, and again, eventually realized how severely limited the white man's culture is.

Since then, I've learned much about the negative effects of colonialism and imperialism. Plenty of sad history, for sure!

It's great to see that you can see those truths from your perspective, too. I've met some people who are so in thrall of western culture that they abandon the culture and ideals of their homes.

Peace ...

The sun does not need to announce her presence; it is large and looming. I have no doubts about your cultural vastness, being a wide traveller. Don't stop being the torch in the darkness of ethnocentrism and single stories. I would have loved to ask a question but I will keep it for another day.

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