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RE: I Do Not Believe in God(s) - Why do you?

in #writing7 years ago

I really enjoy reading on this topic. No matter what site it is on. Steemit seems to be the best choice to have the conversation without the fighting like other places. I liked your example with the moles. It makes complete sense. What makes God any more believable? Is it because men wrote a book about him and Jesus?

I'm open to any belief in the spiritual world and that includes atheist. I do believe in God in the bible, Angels and I believe in other Gods/Goddess. I believe that people have been reincarnated even though I don't believe in reincarnation on every single soul. Does that make sense? No, not really but that is the point. I believe in God from the bible but I don't at all believe there is a fiery burning hell beneath us. I also think the bible has been tweaked to fit mans view at least once. I believe in all of these things because of what I have personally witnessed, seen and felt. With that said, I love reading an atheist point of view as to why they don't believe in a God. Its all very valid points. The thought of an invisible being coming from nowhere being so powerful as they say, actually sounds rather ridiculous.

I can't really explain what i'm trying to say because it doesn't make sense to think the way I do lol Basically, I don't believe any choice is wrong or right. Your subconscious mind is going to give you the experience you are looking for. I 100% respect an atheist point of view and would never try to talk them out of it. I just personally don't believe that there is nothing out there beyond us.


It is one of my favourite topics too ;) ... It's very encouraging when you say you're open to any belief... This seems to suggest that you're not set in stone when it comes to what you already believe. (Though strictly speaking, atheism isn't a belief. If beliefs were TV channels, atheism would be the TV being switched off ;P).

Your beliefs indeed seem to be quite a mix of things that you have picked up as they've made sense to you... Your final sentence is quite revealing, I think: You just can't believe there is nothing after death... This is difficult one to come to terms with: Trying to imagine non-existence. It actually makes one's mind do back-flips. But there just isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise.

I'm interesting in the things you said you've "witnessed, seen and felt" that have convinced you of your beliefs... Would you mind elaborating?

Lol your example of the TV was a good one, it made me laugh! You are right, I am not set in stone. I am very open to the fact that any higher power or whatever someone wants to call it, could be the correct one. I am even open to the fact that when we die there is nothing. I often wonder if death is like those deep sleeps we have when we don't dream or anything at all. It's just...nothing.

To make it short, I 100% believe that I lived in a haunted house. I've seen and heard things that could never be explained. Things that if another person were to never experience anything supernatural would never believe me or understand. That's where the part of what I previously said comes in, we witness and experience what our minds are open too. I have seen 'ghost' and several items picked up and thrown across the room directly in front me. I'll go into more detail in a post in the future but that is the super short version. I do believe ghost can maybe sort of have evidence of being true with all of the pictures and technology there is to 'hunt' them. Of course, some can be debunked but I don't believe them all to be fake.

Can I give you an example for there to be evidence of a God? No. I never will be able to. That is why I love hearing an Atheist point of view and why I will never be one to push my beliefs or make someone change theirs. With the supernatural incidents, I can honestly say that I have physically witnessed the unexplainable. I haven't and I don't think anyone ever has or will have any example of evidence of a God.

Typically in the conversations I see about religion, this would be the part where I am suppose to tell you that you don't need evidence and faith should be enough. Faith is enough for me but I could never sit here and say faith alone should be what brings someone to believe there is a God. I guess this is why I identify with spiritualism and not any religion that has Gods.

This is where I get confused. If I can honestly sit here and tell you that I believe in ghost wholeheartedly , how could I say there is no Gods of any kind? If there was no God then what is a ghost and how did it become one? These are questions I ask myself of course.

Hey =) Sorry for late reply, bandwidth issues as usual. - Yes, I often think the same... That death wil be just like before we were born... A simple nothingness. Non-existence. There just isn't any evidence to suggest otherwise... And actually, they fact that it is so mindbogglingly hard for the mind to wrap itself around the concept of itself not existing is what I feel the reason is for so many people believing so many things. They just can't conceive of 'nothing' afterwards.

As for ghosts... You said it yourself: You've seen things that could never be explained. ... If that is true, then you really don't know what it is that you saw/heard. Saying they are ghosts is trying to explain them. Because you're trying to define it. I just don't see why anyone believes these hypothesised explanations without evidence. Especially when there IS more than enough evidence to explain how the human mind is very prone to seeing and hearing things it doesn't understand and, in trying to understand, jumps to conclusions. It's not anyone's fault... It's just the way the brain works and for me, the key is to be aware of this... Observe one's own brain... And only trust it as far as you can throw it ;P

Your last paragraph: I think it easily plausible for unexplained phenomena to exist without needing any gods. The fact you think one is necessary to explain them is because you've already been conditioned to connect the two as mutually exclusive. A ghost, if any exist, could have come into being through many strange and wonderful ways...

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