
very beautiful when you think about. Reminds me of the things my Dad said lol,

thanks Brian!

It’s not fair !

haha so true!

Hey, I appreciate the upvote, but just so you know, any post that is past 7 days, your upvote just disappears, it doesn't actually go to the person. When I find an old post that I love and really want to upvote, I instead find a newer post of that author, and comment there to tell them how much I enjoy "the older post's name" and upvote there as well.

I can see you're fairly new, so if you have any questions, I'd be happy to help you out :)

Thank you again!

Thank you . I didn’t realize that . I’m still learning here .

That's what I figured :) Any questions, you know where to find me!

I have a question . What
Does ulog mean ?

Basically it's a post about "you". Here's a link explaining the "birth of ulogs" and another post with more info. It is something fairly new I think and truthfully, I haven't taken the time to figure it all out :) Maybe I'll come back and ask you haha

I'm just curious. Are you a member of any Discord groups yet? If you're not sure what that is, it's a place where different communities gather to chat, help each other share posts etc. If not, I'd like to recommend a couple to you, the first being @newbieresteemday and the second @greetersguild. They both focus on helping new people here, welcoming and supporting them. I was around when they both started and know first hand how important they are to a person's success here. Even if you're not into 'chatting', which truthfully, I'm not big on, they are just so helpful in developing your own community so you're never left feeling alone in this big ol' ocean called steemit.

I'm going to give you the invite links and you can ask me questions or just join or say no thanks...whatever works for you. You will never hurt my feelings here, just so you know :)

@newbieresteemday invite link
@greetersguild invite link

another is @helpie, but they prefer to have me give them names and they'll come looking, so I'll wait to hear if you're interested before I do that :)

Again, if you have questions or comments, please feel free to ask :)

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