Writing Wednesday #2 - The Society

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

Writing Wednesday #2

writing wednesday #2.png


The Society

This is the society;
the engagement of souls
with one another.

In it,
we are interwoven individuals;
its fabrics,
which decorate its exposure.

The society bred a false
form of interaction
and poisoned its members,
to isolate them, intimately,
forgetting about
the remnants of truth;

~ Luka Korba.


'The Society' is an idea which came to me in a single moment as I was under the influence of psilocybin in Amsterdam late last year. It was the 14th of November, 2018 - I was in Amsterdam for a day and at 10:18 a.m. I took a 10g dose of Atlantis Truffles. (It took me another 2 trips to finally gather the words and the courage to try to express that which I saw in words, and so this poem only came into existence some time early this year.)

The come-up of the trip was interesting as I was anticipating what will happen immensely, the visual aspect of the actual trip was intense, but these didn't play a role in my encounter with 'The Society', so I will simply fast-forward to that very moment.

A thing to note here, if you have never taken any psychedelics, is that psilocybin is a vision enhancer. Wherever you look, your eyes focus on that and everything around the main focus point becomes blurry. As I was about 2 hours into my trip - come-up not included - I was walking down a main busy street and I remember feeling this intense pulsation all around me, which was also happening internally. This made me feel like I was a part of some system which was pulling me forward; it was like I was forced to remain in motion whilst everything around me was also in motion yet in harmony with me; my surroundings didn't seem to move, yet the 'blur' around them did, which indicated that they also must have been moving with me.

All of this was happening outside of time, which seemed to have stopped and simply dissolved; faded away. During this experience, my head was facing either the ground or the sky. Then, in a single moment, my head lifted itself and I found myself amid a large crowd of people who were so peaceful and so stationary yet in constant motion, walking towards and past me in a hurry. My enhanced vision aided me with the recognition of the slightest of details in facial expressions of these people, and I quickly became mesmerised by their faces.

These are some drawings I drew moments after this experience:


It is my theory that psilocybin took me with it on a trip to show me the restless society we have created - a state of constant motion where we hurry to get nowhere - in order for me to understand the nature of the human experience.

This being the case, here is a little analysis of the poem.

The poem

Human beings interact with each other non-stop.
This 'engagement of souls' is what we call society.

As we begin to analyse our very own contribution to it,
we recognise our nature, which is to 'decorate' it.

The ugly side of the society reveals itself;
addiction to a technological connection
overrules all. We are alone together.
The only truth left is in faces.


If, whilst reading this poem, you have been able to find your own meaning in it, I invite you to share your interpretation down below. It would be a pleasure to read what your thoughts are on this poem.


Sources -

Image 1 - Faces

Image 2 - Crowd



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