
in #writing5 years ago




What is रामराम?

रामराम is simply the word राम twice. राम means Ram in Sanskrit. रामराम is therefore simply 'Ram Ram'. But what is Ram? Ram is an important deity in Hinduism. He is the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu. One of India's great epics - the Ramayana - tells the story of Ram.

Still, why say Ram's name twice? For years 'रामराम' has been used by many Hindus as a way of greeting and saying farewell to each other, and it is therefore difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for it being used. One reason for its wide usage is the people's deep religious devotion. As I've mentioned, राम is the name of a Hindu god, and its holiness helps Hindus earn good karma - punya - when it is said.

The word 'राम' also means 'to stop and be still' and is used as a mantra by many. It is believed that by the utterance of 'राम', one can attain enlightenment and be ridded of one's sins.


Neem Karoli Baba

Why रामराम?

It's been 3 weeks since my return to Steem. In those 3 weeks I have been writing articles daily, following a plan I made for each day of the week. As fun as it was having a daily topic to write about or a field to explore, in the last week or so I began feeling confined when it came to what I can/should talk about in my articles.

As I was writing and editing my 'Travel Thursday #3 - A Day In Liverpool' post this morning, I felt like I wasn't writing about what I truly wanted to write about - I also felt forced to explore the theme of traveling because it is a 'Travel Thursday'. For this sole reason alone, I decided to change the name of my blogs to 'रामराम'. The content will be the same, but there will not be the same kind of routine and pattern in the posts. I want to allow myself to have the freedom to choose what to write about on a given day and not already have my next day's post planned ahead.

'If you ask how you should serve, then it is no longer service. Do what you want.' - Neem Karoli Baba

This quote ties in with what I am talking about here. For something to be considered service, it needs to resonates fully with your being, and the last few articles I have written have not been doing so. Writing and expressing my experience here in this human body have always been my daily practice and a kind of therapy for me but only when I was free to express myself in whatsoever way I desired.

With that in mind, tomorrow's post will begin my new रामराम series.


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