Everyday Life: Writing and investing in cryptocurrencies changed my life

in #writing7 years ago

I wake up every day, looking for my cup of coffee. Looking for how to grow as a person and how to grow in my finances. One of the first things, is to see how the markets are criptocurrency and how the portfolio of my investments goes, no doubt, many times I am surprised, some days go wind in the stern and other days, I prefer to think it is a bad dream.

In the way I describe it, it makes you see that it is a mass of sensations, which are always present in my daily life. I have to tell you, yes, it's pretty complicated. My eternal dilemma is to seek solutions to circumstances, which are presented to me over the course of the week, that can at some points become a great frustration. 

Especially, because in my case, a lot of my salary, which I have established to maintain a control of my finances. It comes from the Internet, because, as you know the salary of a Venezuelan is quite denigrating, that approximately are 325,544 bolivars monthly (7,91 dollars). That is why I can assure you that investments on the Internet, especially in Criptocurrency is my big lifesaver. 

I'm not going to deny, sometimes I think, whether it will be enough to do this or at some point I'll have to go on other courses. I do not have the greatest idea, I try to concentrate on the now and nothing more than that. To live life without looking back, unless it's necessary, to remind me what I can't do again. There are many things that go through my head, I do not like to think about the future, because on the journey can happen many things, without a doubt, I prefer the present, although sometimes it seems uncertain. 

I'm aware that I can't neglect, that would be a fatal mistake!, that's why I always keep up, because somehow my future depends on all of this. If, it may sound a little exaggerated, but it is the truth, in recent years I have had falls, that able many would not have overcome, they were surrendered and would not have followed, but I believe, that my willpower keeps me active, to continue building my dreams.

I would obviously like to do a lot of things, but sometimes time is not enough. Sometimes I feel that time is too short and I need more than 24 hours a day. But I also understand perfectly well that, if I manage proper, I will accomplish many things, with only 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. I'm sure I can make it, no matter what it costs me, Especially thinking, I have a child to maintain and I want to provide all the tools for their healthy development. 

I'm not sure, if all or parts of these words serve some of you who read me. I do not intend to paint a fantasy world that does not exist, I try to the extent possible to be realistic. If I am very sure of something, it is that each one of you if you propose, you can achieve many goals that are established, It is only a matter of trying, the results can be varied, it is true, but sometimes it is better to try to fail, not to try to repent all your life. 

In short, that's a big part of my daily life, which I assure you saved my life. I would like your reader friends, to share as it is their daily life and as in some way, they are building their dreams every day of the week.

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from pixabay.com 


Changed my life too man. I hardly use banks now because of cryptocurrency

How wonderful the cryptocurrency really is. I'm glad you're doing well.

Si nos esforzamos lo suficiente creo que es viable llegar a obtener un ingreso sustentable en el tiempo solo con las criptomonedas... Por mi parte he logrado obtener ingresos adicionales trabajando como freelancer en internet, y pienso que tambien podrías explorar esa posibilidad para no depender 100% de las inversiones en cripto...

Una combinación de ambas, es grandioso para generar ingresos y para obtener tiempo de calidad.

The best thing is to live in the now the minimum wage of a Venezuelan is degrading and we can get ahead thanks to the ciptomonedas, very good words. God bless you and your child, I know you will give a great future if you teach it as a child to have economic intelligence.

Gracias por tus palabras te lo agradezco. sin duda poder generar ingresos a través de la Internet ha sido una experiencia gratificante para mi, porque sobre todas las cosas me enseño algo que espero enseñarselo a mi hijo, que es la constancia.

I think for most people that are in crypto, it has changed their life for the better. Just keep at it.


it has made me more busy

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