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RE: This World that we've created...

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I have many of the same concerns about humanitie’s future as well. Sometimes I often find it hard to ‘look on the bright side of things’. The fact of the matter is that a meteor could strike the planet or a super volcano can erupt and all life as we know it will cease to exist. One way to look at is we’re just lucky, although many people waste their time, we enjoy a quality of life seemingly unobtainable for any species in our planet’s history. Our modern society does seem to be filled with people working like cogs in a machine but those people are also able to live in free countries, guaranteed the persuit of happiness and protected from the dangers that most people face in third world counties. It may seem like people are devolving but science has never been advancing at such a rapid pace, and seemingly neither has humanities possible demise. However I believe this period of stagnation will be superceeded by a unification of nations around the world. At least to the point where war is frowned upon by the majority of nations. In the future when resources are running low and the earth is becoming ravaged by the effects of climate change major world governments will be forced to advance our knowledge of space travel. The very premise of mutual self destruction via destroying our world or allowing the fresh water supply to run out will force every nation on a similar path of scientific advancement. I believe technogly is rapidly moving us towards a space age unlike anything we could have possibly imagined. When mankind finally evolves to the point of not hating one another, the only thing left to focus our energy on is bettering our lives, advancing our species and saving the planet that we’re going to eventually be forced to escape one day.

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