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RE: My Greatest Strength

in #writing6 years ago

You are a captivating writer, and your command will be and I say this after reading only this post. 🦋
Have you toyed with the idea of Amazon, kindle, Apple Book shop and google books?
Someone like you could be that 1 out of 10,000 that soars into fame and fortune that way.
Aside from these potentially annoying (and common) suggestions, the same thought keeps sparking in my mind- and I am compelled to say it, even though it is stating the obvious.

Activating Thought Cloud Simulator

🚨⚡️beep bloop beep bleep ⚡️🚨

⌨️*There are many new ways to publish and monetize thanks to Blockchain projects galore and content distribution is one of the things that will morph into a new creature altogether soon enough.💡I bet you could be ARE one of the pioneers of this publishing industry all blockchained out. and its disruption (excuse my buzzword)

Novels, on a Blockchain based distribution, without the middle man raking your earnings into their Bentley’s. that would be awesome | That WILL be awesome.*_


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