Rise And Fall

in #writing4 years ago (edited)

Rise And Fall

We are all trapped in an eternal cycle of life and death.

Stardust just being recycled and reused over and over again.

In a constant effort to give meaning to a meaningless universe.

One that was built for no apparent reason other than to experience itself.

An experiment conducting itself, only to grow and learn from it.

We were not meant to just be observers here.

It is very significant to make sure we take the time to leave our message.

The world has been waiting and is ready to listen.

We must stand as one and act now, or we will be forced to swim later.

In an attempt to save ourselves from drowning in an ocean of uncertainty.


Fate always has the way to bring together those who heed the call.

And maybe that's the reason for our common, predetermined ending.

It is the awareness that makes it all much harder for us to accept.

And at the same time it is the reason why this realm is so beautiful.

Nothing should be taken for granted; we are all living on borrowed time.

And it's definitely the most valuable resource in this hectic world.

The only good you have to exchange for anything you ever wanted.

Because it is one of the very few things you can't buy.

And of all those the only one you could never get back once it's gone.

But you will never be in a position to realize it before it's too late.


I do understand that it's quite hard to accept, and I'm no better.

I've wasted time walking roads I shouldn't have, and did it again and again.

But the truth is I had no way of knowing the things I do know now.

And maybe it is those exact same things that reshaped my perception.

Now there is no way to go back, so I can't decide if it's true or not.

So I have decided to sit back and watch this everlasting show.

As long as I do my best to get my unique message across.

There are many things I might be wrong about but my intentions are pure.

Wasting my years looking for a way to reach a reasonable conclusion.

They say nothing is impossible, so here I am trying to prove them wrong.

I appreciate your attention.

Original Content by @lordneroo, produced here.
Images Taken From Pixabay.
Image 1
Image 2

Es bueno expresar las inquietudes del alma porque la vida tiene muchas interrogantes que anhelamos despejar, y por ello te felicito. Humildemente te digo que el universo es perfecto y la vida inequívocamente fue perfecta, y como una pieza dentro de ese escenario “debió, y, debimos regirnos por una ley también perfecta” la que no admite actuar fuera de órbita.De allí que, por actuar en desarmonía, es por lo que el mundo es un caos a punto de colapsar. Sin embargo tenemos una esperanza de un mundo restaurado ajustado a la ley divina donde por ende va a reinar el orden.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, I appreciate your beautiful message.


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