City Lights

in #writing4 years ago

City Lights

Bright lights, big city, and so it's extremely easy to lose your way.

Always make sure to keep your goals in mind and persist.

The game is never over before the final whistle, so don't stop.

I will keep working hard and giving it my all until I have made it.

But these streets are mesmerizing, and the city is hypnotizing me.

Constantly forcing me to go out there and explore the world.

Demanding all my time and giving me reasons to need even more.

And knowing me better than I do, so I end up having even less.

Because this city knows everything about the skeletons in my closet.

And has this magical ability to see the invisible chains all over my soul.


And now, the very same city that played me, has a plan for me.

I will be granted eternal peace in exchange for my silence.

I have been doing the devil's work for too long; now I can retire.

This city promises to give me back everything it took away from me.

But I'm also told that I will have to keep some promises as well.

The problem is I never promised to be a pawn; they find this surprising.

After all, this whole game was designed perfectly; I must be bluffing.

And it is no secret that everyone in town wants in.

As, you can understand, this tells them all they need to know.

All they have to do is wait and watch me reveal my weaknesses.


Which is something I will never do, no matter what.

I'm in this game with the intention of being an anomally that won't fit in.

The one to make sure that all rules are being violated over and over again.

There is no reason in particular for this desire of mine.

It just is, just like this strange world we are all trapped in.

And even though this game is pointless, we can all agree that it's beautiful.

Please take a second and give it some thought before you reach a verdict.

We are not unappreciative; we just know there is always room to improve.

And we realize that it is our duty to work day and night for it.

And this is exactly what we need those bright city lights for.

I appreciate your attention.

Original Content by @lordneroo, produced here.
Images Taken From Pixabay.
Image 1
Image 2

M e encanta profundizar en las inquietudes humanas hasta donde me es comprensible y leyendo tu post me doy cuenta una vez más como el mundo deslumbra y nos desliza si no tenemos cautela.Todo ello es artificial ytemporareo, y si anhelamos cada vez sus fantasías es porque a ciencia cierta no nos satisface en plenitud ¿por qué?,porque no es lo artificial lo que nos llena,no es lo que nos da la felicidad.Se puede ilustrar la no saciedad con el hecho de cuando el organísmo está bien nutrido: no se anhela volver a comer hasta la horareglamentaria,salvo algún postre entre comidas, pero si no es completa va a sentir hambre antes del tiempo reglamentario.Así es nuestro deseo de recreación o esparcimiento. Fuimos hechos para vivir en un hermoso entorno natural pero, estamos confinados a vivir en una montaña de concreto donde la invención del hombre con su tecnología “deslumbra” pero no satisface, siempre queda un vacío. Bien dijo el rey Salomón según el capítulo 1 de Eclesiastés “Todo es vanidad”. El tiempo ha avanzado y estamos cerca de vivir satisfechos en un entorno natural paradisíaco.Salmo 37: 11.
Ah,fue un placer leerte. Bendiciones.

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