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RE: 🚀Space Carrie's Adventures In Space!🚀- Pilot Episode - Recording and Script

in #writing6 years ago

This is SOOOO hilarious, and so well done! It's like Garrison Keeler hooked up with Pigs In Space and had a baby! I loved it.

I love how everything is prefaced with "space" and I love how the dude walks into the bar and sucks the metaphorical air out of the room, with a fabulous sound effect of the record scratching to a stop. Seriously, you guys must have had so much fun putting this together. Resteeming for good times' sake.


It is indeed a lot of fun, and Carrie did great with the sounds. I'm working on the second episode now. :D
I'm sure it's just going to melt into a steeming pile of inside jokes ;)
Stay tuned!!

Chris, your voice acting is amazing! I loved all the accents you did, especially the pirate one. And the Bronx one was great. Nice job! Let me know if you guys need help on another project. I'd love to participate. I can probably conjure up a few accents if needed. French, British, Russian, Scottish...I'd need to do some polishing, but could probably hack it. I won 1st place in high school for a play that was strictly Irish. So I can do that one too. That was many years ago....but I think I know how to do it still.

Woohoo! We were talking about using you! I'm glad you volunteered.

So... are you active in Discord at all? What time is Tuesdays 12 AM UTC for you?
Are you able to record sound bites and send them to me?

Do you see yourself as ....evil? Or could your voice portray that?

Or... perhaps a more friendly, ex-love interest?

Everything is possible!

You're practically being written into the next script... 😎

Ha ha. I could do evil, ditsy, sweet and sincere, kind, heartless. Whatevs. Work me in, baby.

I am on discord throughout the day, most days. Tuesdays are actually pretty good for me. I could do some sound bytes too. I don't know what version you'd like, does mp4 work?

Also, maybe a bit of the script would help, so I know what kind of character to get into. Ooooh, goodie goodie. This could be super fun.


One last thing, I'm PCT. So noon UTC may be tricky, as that would be like 5 am my time, and I have to get kids off to school a couple hours after that. What about 4 or 5 UTC? Is that too late???

Also, have you thought of posting on or dlive? I know tends to upvote his regulars (of which I am), and dlive will at least earn you curation from his site.

Bunch of responses...

evil, ditsy, sweet and sincere, kind, heartless - so you will be playing my ex-wife. Check!

Personally I wont post on dtube even if it ever HAD completed one single upload of the two or three times Ive tried over the past few months, because 25% beneficiary cut is highway robbery, and then to not even pay for the IPFS nodes with that income, causing all your videos to disappear, completely deleted from the free IPFS servers they try to use which stream terribly here on 100mb cable and never ever ever complete an upload. You video is flat gone in a few weeks, leaving an empty shell of a post unless you edit on day 6 and put in youtube there, is just a waste of my time.

As for live streaming, we simul-stream 24/7 full HQ stereo live hosted video to youtube live, twitch tv, rtmp capable players like VLC or embedded web players, on and audio via the shitty mono/simulated stereo discord voip driver that discord chat rooms provides because people insist on listening to shit quality in discord rather than watch our glorious webcam feeds, on screen information and show supporting stuff like music covers and videos and web pages and all. As far as I know, dlive does not consume our pro grade rtmp backend, so its useless to us for the network.

Anywhooo, come be on the show. If our host deems it acceptable, and let's get this show on the road!

Oh, I forgot to tell you...I AM your ex wife. Bwa ha ha ha!

I get the drama. I don't have any problems with disappearing video links thus far, but I haven't been broadcasting that long. I have had problems with buffering tho. So I automatically include youtube links on all my posts. I hear a lot of complaints about the 25% tax. I'm at the stage where I still just appreciate the publicity and will take it for what it's worth, but on some level, I guess I'll be grumpy too. At some point I'd like to do a live podcast or something like what the cool kids are doing on youtube and discord. I've seen your show. Some people know how to do it. Others don't. I like yours. You are very articulate, passionate, and entertaining.

I'm excited to get the chance to work with you!

I think @carrie is just going to have me do sound bytes for now, and she'll work them in at will. But at some point soon, maybe I can bug you for advice on how to get a good show going? How many people do you simul-stream? I don't really get all of those complexities of linking all the interfaces to one show. It's probably easy, but I've never done it, and my discord channel is in its infancy anyway. As is my youtube channel. Seriously. Still in diapers over here.

But anyway, looking forward to working with you in some form. Even though I know you probably hate me because I played devil's advocate for grumpy cat. Meow.

First off, that cat can go play in traffic.

Second, I think you might just be about to become the next mrs ex cork. We discussed potential roles for you in a show planning meeting tonight and well, space might get a lot colder when you show up, exie dearest... ;)

Let me see, right now, top of mind, um, I think its 14 or 15 shows now? Pretty much every day of the week we have a couple-few hosts on the air, and run recorded episodic replays in between round the clock, unless the bot takes a dirt nap as it is sometimes prone too. Tech is gonna tech, after all.

As for the rest, I actually am in my chair for the 27th hour since my last 3 or 4 hour sleep and I actually think I never actually ate anything at all today. Cant even remember. Every day is like this for me, running all the international ops I run for work and here on steem 24/7... point being yes, id love to get you hosting on steemstar. then the tech is largely handled for you. As long as you can run Open Broadcast Server (OBS) on your laptop or computer, we can televise you.

But one step at a time. We've got soundbites to make! I got my next episode script tonight. You aren't in it yet, but I think you arrive in episode 3. We'll see, so don't change that channel, and stay tuned!

PS: We have the coolest kids ;)

Well, well, well. I just knew we were meant to be frenemies. Can't wait to meet the kids.

I'm going to host a show for sure. I am loving your network. You do an amazing job keeping the wheels turning. And you've got some great people on it whether via the network, or on your discord. The whole thing rocks. Where have I been???

I can run OBS. No prob. But yes, starting with soundbites. And maybe a little guest appearance with carrie next Friday.

I'll keep in touch. Thanks for taking time to explain so much to me last night. I think this will be a good thing.

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