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RE: Love in pieces, a short story of fiction.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

I think. There was a little selfishness on both of their parts. He wanted to keep her for himself but was not willing to give her the little more of what she needed and she just didn't want to give up the comfort he brought in her life.

They may have not been meant to be, after all, just how many people stay together and get married just because it is more comfortable? Or because they are afraid of being alone?

I think my mom does this, she needs the security of marriage. She needed it, now she is changing her direction. But in conclusion, she has been married 3 times (not my father, though :D)

It is a silent fear of mine, to make the wrong decision. But, thankfully, I still have time to live and experience and learn. Not looking to get married atm, just to go to some beautiful weddings.

I know. Humans like to torture themselves. I have done it. Especially when it is something stupid. It is always easy to be on the other side, you see the route the other person should take. But when the problem is yours, it magnifies.

Well, telling yourself that you are not going to feel something ever again never works. Our memories fade and we either learn to have good things again or step on the same rake for the second time (is that even a saying? :D )


Yes, it was certainly a selfish decision for both of them.

It's sad that sometimes people resort to complacency. It's often the easy decision at the time, but turns out to make things worse down the road.

Though, if you can recognize it, you have the opportunity to make things better. Admittedly it takes someone who is self aware and willing to take responsibility- Not all of us have learned this capacity yet.

LOL "stepping on the same rake" is a funny saying that I've never heard before- but new EXACTLY what it meant when I read it! (In one of your other stories I think)
It's a good one, maybe I'll have the chance to use it someday xD

I grew up watching Tom & Jerry and Tom would always step on the same rake at least 3x per episode, literally and figuratively speaking :D

Taking responsibility is sometimes scary, I sure know it is for me. I would rather let others do that. But I could never lie to myself. Maybe for a short while but even then I usually know. Not a good liar that way :D

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