If you go down to the deepest ocean?

in #writing7 years ago

The deep sea fascinates the man. It is a strange world, gigantic, unknown. It is claimed that they are more mysterious than the unfathomable spaces of the universe. The image is not totally wrong.

To begin you must know that only 5% of the oceans have been explored those who leave us 95% it's huge!

Hold your breath as today we plunge deep into the dark abyss and crushing ...

You have already wondered if there is anything deep in the oceans for you should go to the deepest point of the oceans, that is to say the Marianas Trench.

It is very difficult to visit the deepest funds we will see why:

The Mariana Trench is the deepest known ocean trench and is the deepest part of the Earth's crust.

It is located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, east of the Mariana Islands near the island of Guam.
The lowest known point would be at 11,034 meters depth, but the most reliable measurement in 1995 was 10,911 meters.

So-called "piezophile" organisms live there despite pressures of up to 1,100 atmospheres.
Note that near the subduction zones (at a distance of about 180km), volcanoes of the rhyolitic type are formed.

(after Google is here to help you if you want to deepen the subject, especially for the creation of these specific volcanoes that is very interesting).

The pit is on a tectonic plate boundary, in a subduction zone where the Pacific plate passes under the Philippine plate.
It is a pit created by spontaneous subduction in the oceanic domain: the ocean-ocean subduction is coupled to a rear-arc basin in extension.
Those which means that a huge gulf has appeared.

Primer on the descent can begin, Imagined you fell in a pit of 11000 meters, check one last time your equipment, after it will be too late!

Once diving under water we arrive in an area well known to all, the euphotic area that contain the vast majority of species to date, you will see spend shoals of sardine, tuna and big shark a little curious.

To arrive at - 10 meters all is well:

The further you are from the surface, the higher the pressure because you have to consider the weight of the water above us. At -10 meters deep, each cm2 of our skin will support the weight of one liter of water (1 liter = 1000 cm3).
Knowing that a liter of water weighs about 1 kg, the pressure due to water at -10 m depth is 1 kg / cm 2, that is to say 1 bar.
If we go down again by -10 m, the pressure will increase again by 1 bar.

50 meters underwater: (the height of the triumphal arch)

Already at this level you now see more everything is bluish, dark enough, you continue to see the sun above you.

Your body now has to withstand a pressure of 6 bars. Feeling of being compressed but still possible to breathe,

Exceeding the 70 meters all those complicates, if you took oxygen bottles with you, the pressure of the water makes the air you breathed charge your blood a lot more nitrogen than what it is used to.

You feel like someone who has drunk alcohol is in a euphoric phase with impaired judgment and feels good but with each breath your memory fades away.

As you continue to go down your insurance will gradually decrease and you entered a phase of anxiety, you lose the notion of time and your vision begins to disturb those.

You start a dialogue with yourself because you feel alone, terribly alone.

You look around and you see something infinitely blue and dark, without limit
And you have more and more trouble to remain conscious, you perceive the black tunnel which grows, grows, grows, then the total black ....

You have just been a victim of deep drunkenness but if you have a little training and helium in your oxygen bottle you can go down a little bit.

200 meters lower:

At two hundred meters, the night prevails over the day. We are entering the mesopelagic zone, which is not good news because only 1% of the sunlight still reaches us.
So it's hardly if you see your hands in front of you.

Get to 288 meters:

Let's all think about Croatian Goran Colak who dipped and managed to reach 288 meters without any bottle, but with only one inspiration it's incredibly huge.

And after having passed the end of the Eiffel Tower at 300 meters, your body suffers 31 bar pressure, which represents 8 rhinos.
At those stages a little help is needed thanks to a submarine.

Continuing to descend .. said goodbye to the dolphins because exceeded the 5OO meters you would not have much chance of crossing, it is their maximum depth of diving without risk

You continue to go down again!

At a depth of 850 meters you pass the height of the tallest man-made tower in the world, the Burj Khalifa which rises to 828 meters.

Still very far from the bottom ....

Pass the milestone of 1000 meters deep we are bathypelagic zone no more plant grows as no glow of the sun has been present for a long time.

Silence, and the pressure is overwhelming.

At this depth you will meet extraordinary and terrifying.
Enter the territory of the giant squid a monster depth, up to 13 meters long.
Listened to this irregular clicking, it's the sounds of another force of nature, the sperm whale, you witnessed a huge fight between the two huge predators.

Let's continue down.

Arrived at 3821 meters depth we are at the height of the wreck of Titanic, liner of the White Star Line, which lies in the North Atlantic a few kilometers from where it sank on April 15, 1912 at 2 am 20 in the morning.

We are at 380 bar pressure those who kill you, in absolute darkness, in cold water for miles through fewer and fewer poisons.

At 4000 meters, we enter the abyss and darkness over thousands of kilometers.

We are deeper than the height of Mont Blanc, or 4800 meters, at the height of the ocean floor at about 5000 meters. rare fish and organism

But you keep going down, you got into the abyssal pit, the famous Deep Challenger.
The Challenger expedition aboard the Royal Navy ship HMS Challenger in 1875. Depths of more than 8,000 meters were recorded.
The pit was studied for the first time in its entirety in 1951 by the HMS Challenger, which gave its name to the lowest point of the pit, Challenger Deep.
Its depth was measured by echo sounding, which gave a result of 10 900 meters to the coordinates

We are in the hadal zone, from -6,000 m to more than -11,000 m, imagined to travel the same distance that you have already traveled to reach the bottom of the pit.

Once reached with your submarine, this one touching the ground will raise a cloud of white particle that one names marine snow made up of billions of tiny organic detritus that have landed over the million year and some fish Abyssals not very welcoming.

its good your arrived ! On January 23, 1960, on board the bathyscaphe Trieste, the Swiss Jacques Piccard, son of Auguste Piccard (inventor of the bathyscaphe) and US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh, reached the bottom of the pit at 13 h 6, after a descent of 4 h 30.

Since some privileged have been able to go down there ... ..

When we know that the seas occupy three quarters of the earth's surface, it means that the deep sea is a colossal universe.

Today, the abyss is less well mapped than the moon, and thousands of new species are discovered each year.
Amazing to say that more man walking on the moon than descended to the deepest ocean ...


The artist-zen!
(source google wiki youtube Oceanographic Institute)




Very informative. I liked reading about mariana's trench the most.

yes I found it interesting too, thanks you

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