Rare occasion of inner peace & happiness || Fuck-upery {#2}

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

(Hmm, that combat vest's been stinking in a friend's closet for so long I should probably go get it back).

5th of September, 2018.

Dear Fuck-upery,

Half of this has been sitting in my draft for a couple of weeks now.
I'm a lazy fuck and I blame everything on my motivational & inspirational crisis.
h e l p

The air is getting crispier day by day and the trees are turning yellow.

Have I ever mentioned Autumn is my favorite season? Well, if not earlier, I now have.
I was actually born in Autumn (totally not why it's my fav). November 24th, to be precise.

Mom told me it was rainy that day.

(September, 2014. Rare occasion of inner peace & happiness).

It's not the rain I love the most about Autumn, though. Sure, there's nothing as cozy as cuddling up a warm blanket, rockin' those woven socks, listening to some good tunes and drinking hot beverage while the rain's pouring down and making your window cry.

What I love the most about Autumn is the crisp air, trees leaves turning yellow, the evening Sun laying it's weak warm rays on what's left of greenery and the sound of dead dry leaves crunching under my combat boots with every step I take.

Is it combat boots & leather weather yet?

I was looking through the list of artists I've listened to on my last.fm profile a couple of days back.

There were so many bands I used to listen to all the time but eventually got tired of... now craving for me to re-discover them. So many memories popping up - mostly good, but my mind always has a way to turn my thoughts dark and miserable.

(My top 13 listened artists of all time).

Despite the misery, I started listening through some of the bands yesterday.

It's crazy how good it feels listening to something you haven't for quite a while! It's like spring cleaning - you find something that was meaningful in the past and just reminisce for a while, totally procrastinating on the cleaning part.

I even found some good ol' tracks for my Spotify playlist.

After a long pause of almost 2 years, I've finally had the chance of going to music events.

In fact, I've already gone to three - two in the end of August (with less than a week separating them) and one on the first day of September. They all took place outside, which is pretty convenient for rock n' roll moms alike.

The first concert was an event dedicated to the legendary Russian rock musician Viktor Tsoy and his band KINO. It took place on a hill in the middle of the city, and, according to the guy who organized the whole thing, brought together a whopping crowd of around 3500! I would've never guessed the hill could fit that many people on and around it!

The overall atmosphere and aesthetic were really cozy and heartwarming. The event itself was another succesful example of how rock music can bring people from different nationalities together, singing side by side, enjoying themselves, even if the nationalities have a long stingy history together.

I first heard KINO in our relatives' summer cottage hell-knows-how-many-years-ago when my cousin was blasting their songs through his home theater system for the whole yard to listen. You know when you listen to a song for the first time and get that ''this is so right'' feeling? Well, yeah, that. With all of their songs. Tsoy was a fucking genius.

(Potato quality Vennaskond drumset from 2014).

The second band we went to see was Vennaskond - (once again) a legendary Estonian ''Fourierist nu-romantic punk-ensemble''.

I've seen them 2 and a half times before. The half part was at a festival when I thought I'd rather get drunk with a bunch of other artists and people at the backstage while they were playing for an entire hour longer than they were supposed to, thus pissing off the last band of the evening that were supposed to play right after them (and they did, too, despite the exhaustion and all the waiting).

This time they performed at a local street food festival. It definitely was great hearing them live after a long time. Despite starting to miss the times I would've drunk beer and gone wild in front of the stage with the other punks, I enjoyed being there with my little one and it seemed like he enjoyed it too. He was throwing his hands in all directions, smiling, clapping, and eventually even taking a nap.

The last concert I went to, as mentioned before, took place on the 1st of September - the day most of the kids go back to school after a 3 month Summer vacation. It was another street festival kind of event but instead of just food, they also had crafts, toys, merry-go-rounds, etc.

I didn't really plan on spending any money there other than maybe on a bottle of water or something, buuut I ended up buying a vinyl instead. I bought the ''Coca Cola'' Full LP by Metro Luminal - an Estonian post-punk / alternative rock band.

(Horrible edit of drunk me at a prior HBF gig).

... but that wasn't the band performing that day. Instead, I was excited to once again see the local punk / soblajobla band Huiabella Fantastica.

They are a band that reeks of pohhuism (not-giving-a-fuck-ery), kicks you right in the gutter and shits all over your face.

Heck, even their frontman, nicknamed (Rakvere) Pets, in his natural state, looks like the face of pohhuism itself. If you were to see him on the other end of the street, you'd be thinking ''man, that guy seriously doesn't give a fuck''.

I should go see a fucking psychiatrist.

Fuck you! Цой жив!
//mic drop.

That's all for now, folks! Please don't hesitate to express your thoughts and feelings this post might or might not have awaken in you in the comment section below!

Keep up with more of my genius thoughts and awesomeness by following me on Twitter! (Don't be afraid to interact!)


I just have to say that thank you for the top 13 artist. For these new ideas. I've hear only three of these; Goat, Dead Kennedys, Foo Fighters.

I like Goat because it's so weird, but I have to make sure, did you mean this Goat:

or this Goat:

or maybe one of these goats:

If it's the middle one, I have to say that I may have to unfollow you, back away from my computer slooooowly, shut it down, as a matter of fact shut down the whole internet and Steemit and maybe even do something with explosives until this matter is resolved. I hate to say this but the fact that Finns and Estonians have the weirdest languages in the world that sound similar and make us almost soulmates and related, (but we still can't understand each others languages because of words that are similar but mean entirely different things) does not save anything in this case and as I'm writing this I realize that you might not speak Estonian at all but that doesn't matter, only thing that matters is
First, second or the third?

Third is a good answer if it's the second and you want to lie.

Fourth answer would be the fact that these aren't the goats we are looking for.

Nice catch, I do agree that the second is horrendous, and nice line by the end there. Finally, I've found someone else who overuses that reference. But yeah, the explosives option sounds like a lot of fun, maybe you should try that someday even without the incentive. I know I do ;)

And were you the one who shut down steemit recently? From your comment it seems you know something about it. Well, at least you didn't shut down the internet. That would have been bad.

I admit nothing.

But if it comes down to the unfortunate fact that I would have to shut down the internet, the whole internet and nothing but the internet, I would do it so cleverly, that no-one would notice it. Because nothing is more fun than doing funny stuff that no-one notices.

I'd love to try exploding stuff some day! Except first I'd have to silence the all creatures and nature loving hippie inside me because with explosives one never knows how many insect, beetle and worm families die, but yes. I'd love to dematerialize stuff with a loud bang. :)

Have you already done it? Has the internet randomly been shutting down for a couple of seconds every day, with just us fools thinking it was the spotty wi-fi?

You fiend. How could you? And I thought be were friends, with our mutual love of random references, punk and alt rock, and explosives.

How could you do such a thing? Not telling me about your dastardly plots beforehand.

What? You thought I was mad that you did evil things? No why would I get upset over a silly thing like that?

I would have told you but but but...

Because nothing is more fun than doing funny stuff that no-one notices.

No-one. Even I didn't notice what I did. Because it seems that I'm not the chosen one. Let me explain. Shutting down the internet isn't an easy task. First one has to loop the time. Yes. The time itself. Two second loop as long as you can hold it. And no-one notices. Except the chosen one. The chosen one sees a cat that suddenly repeats the exact movements that it did just a couple of seconds ago. The exact same moves. As if the time itself was on a loop. Kind of a code. A computer program.

So I didn't notice my cats doing anything else than weird and pointless, totally random things that are impossible for any code that tries to be truly random.

Oh, naah, it's definitely the Swedish alternative / experimental fusion group from the first video you embedded. I mostly listen to their albums ''World Music'' and ''Commune''. (And I most definitely DO speak Estonian, pal ;)).

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