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RE: "Now I am Become Death, The Destroyer of Worlds" - An Ode to The Atomic Bomb

in #writing7 years ago

Clearly. Simple things amuse simple minds.

Instead of being a pretentious waste of breathe why not go make another account and try to blend in with the locals rather than basically wasting your time and effort in some childish spamtard game.

Hell, You could probably make some money on here with your creative writing if you stopped fixating on the past and actually wrote about something people want to read or learn about. Just my actual non-hater advice.

//Turns back on hater mode..

Ooh yeah. And your mom smells like dick cheese! lol

// I'm just fucking with you.. You realize you can't troll me because I'm just shaking my head and using you for my own amusement right? I'm like you but with roughly 70+ IQ.. ;)


This is going to be fun, forever. You amuse me with your typos trying to talk in madness. Sit down my little bitch and be good. Pats you on your nerdy little fukin head and walks off*

blah blah, blah blah blah blah...blah blah. lol. I hear ya bro! xD

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