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RE: Are we living in a simulated reality?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

How do you understand superposition as superposition and not not as gravity? Cos superposition has its own logic and gravity has its own, I was about that logic, it's hard to explain. When I said there are more than one logic, I meant something like when it comes to light. Light shows both particle as well as wave property. I have a weird way of understanding my surroundings, a rather dumb way you can call it. Everything is not one, it might be once but we are moving further from that state. There is something microscopic, something that might be figured out using quantum physics but we are not that advanced in that field just yet. As far as I know only ancient Hindus got anywhere near to it they called it something like "sukshma vigyana" or something like that.

There's a theory that says entire universe is full of something called aether (or ether) I say the entire universe is full of logic that penetrates everything and each "element" comes with its own subset set of logic. For example let's say iron has certain properties and all those properties combined in a set makes iron, iron and all those properties (know and unknown) combinedly makes a sense out of the "intelligence" that iron contains that "sense" about iron is logic of iron, In the same way we have a logic of copper, etc etc. Universe interacts in the form of logic (or however you call it, I call it logic, maybe I need to expand my vocabulary?)

See what is know and what is unknown it is all contained with in the universe since day 1. Iron is iron from day one it can't decide to be let's say gold someday, everything is not one. I also believe that iron atoms are different than gold atoms or copper atoms, etc, they're not all the same. If they were the same now a days people can extract electrons and they can remove or insert them into other elements to make desired elements. It's all science right? That's not possible in reality ask all those scientists who tried to do that and failed. There is things much much smaller than sub atomic particles and we just call them energies. I would also like to say all energies are not the same there's something even more deeper .

Now, when it comes to calling world a simulation, it's just simply an error of our understanding on the world. We are too deep in computers now a days that's why we are seeing everything in terms of computers and when we start seeing things through one filter we start to confuse ourselves. Now I'm not saying all this to you on personal basis. I'm speaking in general as a lot of people been talking this way lately. Moon is a hologram and other such stuff, trying to deny the obvious.

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