Engagement is the answer.. isn't it LOL? 😅

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Searching my instagrams for an engaging thumbnail.. this caught my eye!

What's the question folks?

How's it going today? What's happening? What's on your mind? All the popular social media platforms ask you. The value of their business depends on the quality and consistency of your answers.. can we learn from this?

This is my FB page, though we may as well stay right here LOL!

Here's a link to my twitter, come say hi if you're on there!

Blogging without engagement what's the point?

Sure we're all doing our best to share our blockchain posts with value and creativity!! To be preserved for eternity on our immutable ledger.. but then we just allowed editing on Steemit so is it really a true blockchain anymore? I guess it's still easy to search in steemd history.

I'm often re-minded when dealing with my son, teaching is more about asking the right questions than giving him the answers.

So conversation and engagement is a key ingredient to success!

How do we get more engagement?

Do we ask enough questions?

Creating a comment rewarding culture? 🤔

If we're creating a comment rewarding culture while sharing our stories, wisdom and insights.. we can't forget to ask our readers what they think can we?

Being open and inviting the opinions of others helps us find new friends, build better connections and brainstorm the next big ideas! Add a dash of open source and development is booming! Another great method for doing this is joining masterminds like the @smg discord!

Read this far? Will you share some of your thoughts below? 😍

Ok that's all I've got for this post.

Wanna leave space to continue this dialogue in comments..

Meanwhile I've got some other posts spinning around my head..

By the way, what do you think about this snazzy format? It's inspired by my pal @aldentan's recent post. I enjoy the way he writes and delivers a punchy message! 👊

My Gift To Whaleshares: The Epic And Awesome Guide On How To Write Blog Articles..

This post is also purposefully short and sweet in the style of a @jaynie #blurt! I support her hashtag movement since one thing I'm working on is being less long winded and more consistent, purposeful posts!

Introducing (and explaining) the tag BLURT :)

Now then let's see..

Is this worth your upvote and share?

Do you agree that conversation is important to social networking?

Thanks for following my thought stream and reading what I have to offer..

See ya in the next post.. or in the comments below!

Keni 😄

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

Recent posts I've upshared on Whaleshares:

Setting the Record Straight on WhaleToken Markets and Those Who Abuse Others - So far, I've been relatively quiet (at least publicly) on the issue of WhaleToken abuse. However, after seeing the recent post by @scarlett, "Witnesses! SHOW YOURSELVES!!!! If you want my vote".. @alexpmorris

From Child Protection to Polyphasic Sleeping: My Top 15 Articles - I have written a great number of informational posts during my 2 years on decentralised social media, all with the intention of helping people better understand the world we live in. These particular subjects have been focused on because.. @samstonehill

Whaleshares Community Growth Initiative - EROTX Whaletoken Rewards!!! - 🐳Hello Whalefam!🐳 💪 Our growth these first two months has been nothing short of amazing. Now the time has come for a mass mainstream social media push to increase awareness of Whaleshares.. @nsfwizard


Blogging without engagement is actually fine if the content of the blog is soooo captivating and important that it changes lives. A blog will ultimately live or die on its content and the breadth of its readership, not the comments. They are just a natural outflow of good material. In today's instant world, the quickie engagement of an emoji or whatever happens elsewhere.... SOOOO great engagement on steemit will flow from consistently good material. That's quite the challenge!! But a wonderful journey if you allow your blogging to open up another part of the way you see, view and share the world. :)

Thanks for sharing your godly wisdom @artemislives! 👍

I agree, no engagement is also fine.. though not nearly as fun. Sure in the old world of blogging for blogs sake, content stands on it's own merit with or without any commentary. However even then, I would pose that writers also express themselves for many different reasons, so it's not for me to blanket ones success with ultimate statements.

Therefore I revise, "conversation and engagement is a key ingredient for success.. and growth of our platform as a whole, not any singular author."

Blockchain based social media is a living and rapidly evolving medium in my opinion. Blogging to me is a diverse and interactive conversation more than even the most captivating monologue. Including all the subjectivity of what "good content" even is. Also our posts and equally valuable comment threads do live on collectively through the eyes of our youngest witnesses. So even our oldest posts will always have the potential to be reignited with a single new comment or share right?

To me this is a distinct leap from traditional blog writing and one reason why I am so excited for collaborative projects like NM. So many great voices coming together and digitally archiving the knowledge of medicine carriers all over the world. I'm excited for our most adventurous writers to reach the most remote shaman and medicine people. The possibility of sharing their stories, curating rewards for them and putting real resources back in their hands for vicariously teaching their ancestral wisdom is astounding.

Though without conversation we're left working the fields while the village is feeding. By inviting our friends, families and communal support to join the blockchain. We are inviting each other to engage in an inherently life changing conversation. Authors are more available to engage with their readers than ever and if one is so important and impactful to literally change my life? I love having the opportunity to share my appreciation directly. To me sharing thanks seems way more natural than silently absorbing.

Perhaps my words in turn will even add value to their piece? As the comment threads are often the juiciest parts in my opinion. The more we see positive comments rewarded, the more likely others will reward it with their own attention. Though that's just my opinion.

Thank you Artemis for inspiring the continuation of these thoughts. It shows me that even a short #blurt can serve to spark value through comments. In this case it can even be seen as a collaboration. I hope my upvote and response shows I value your contribution. Also for those who have not been blessed yet, Artemis is often found offering her words in #naturalmedicine. She's a captivating wordsmith who consistently shares wonder-full stories with her unique Dutch-Thai flavor!

Thank you 🙏

On the move right now but pondering and thinking.... and feeling valued. :) x

7 hours later I'm chuckling.... yes, I DID finally get back here. I REALLY BELIEVE in rewarding comments - my very wise and first steem teacher taught me that. :) But I do think that in the end the comments always flow more easily when the initial blog offering is juicy, informative, controversial or whatever enough to evoke reaction.

And yes, I agree - the comment threads become a collaboration and a beautiful addition to the "finished" offering.

Hahahaa! Yes I believe in it too and will keep doing my best to live by example.

You're also spot on, juicy factor is a sweet way to attract the collaborators! 💦

Replying is waaaaaay easier when the blog is juicy indeed!

But dude, the word 'Snazzy' hahahahaha..its hilarious! If my guess about the meaning of the word is true this really is a snazzy format :D

Hahaha.. now imagine me saying "snazzay" in a 1950's accent waving jazz hands! 😂

Though I have no idea what you're guess is.. now I'm intruiged???

Also yeah replying is was easier and the people like easy! 👍

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