
Although the field of neuropsychopharmacology is pretty advanced. Some neato stuff coming down the pike.

I'm super-interested in a non-user way (I'm kinda a square). What sort of stuff?

I prefer to stay away from this shit! Pills like those in the movie "Limitless" are a metaphor!

Exactly! But people will be people--gullible to a fault :P

what people call MDMA these days is a weird mix and usually contains little to none -- i wouldn't take it now if someone paid me - bit there was a time long ago when i couldn't say no --anyway following you now thanks for a interesting excursion down memory lane

Couldn't agree with you more on this comment! That's why I urge everyone to get a drug test kit. So cheap and it's harm reduction!!!

Absolutely. If you're gonna do street/party drugs, you absolutely need to be as safe as possible about it.

am following you now

Hey, thanks! Fair warning, I'm a total dweeb :)

Guys from all over the UK went around the world making a killing introducing it to cartels and mafia's from America and Mexico. This drug was blown up in the UK rave scene around the 1970's.

Never tried Ecstasy, never will. But I have taken Aderol once, and it literally felt like for those hours that I was on it, I had unlocked the potential of my brain. I had two final exams on the same day, and I went to a concert the night before (it was my birthday) instead of studying. I woke up early the next day and popped an Aderol (my bro has connections) and I read through all of the course material again and retained 100 percent of the information, to the point where I got 100 percent on the final exam.

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