Happy Never After...

in #writing8 years ago

It is always about our own fears that we project on our loved one, never about the doubts in themselves. That is what Ray learned when he lost her.

It happened very fast

Once upon a time, Ray invited some co-workers home for diner. He wanted to have reunited in the same place, people he appreciated and people he loved. Christie and him prepared the house for the occasion. They were having so much fun, the house slowly expressing their feelings and welcoming the guests. They were opening their hearts to the other, which was Ray wish. The guests were pleased, smiling from mouth to eyes. Ray was pleased. He felt at peace, where he was supposed to be. He thought, to himself, that he was where he was supposed to be. He found the right equilibrium towards happiness. Christie was thrilled. She was a natural party host. She was lightly moving around, making sure no one was left alone, chitchatting with everyone.

Ray met her eyes and she brightened up. He answer with an even broader smile. She sticked her tongue out and he smiled back. She looked around, looked back at him then defiantly smiled. She was up to something. He smiled again, waiting to see what mischief she was up to. She walked across the table, her gaze never leaving his eyes. She stopped next to Mike, slowly leaned on his side, her hand slowly poking his arm.

Nice muscles - she said not so loud.
This was a crappy joke and Ray was laughing. Christie was often complimenting his body, not that he was specially build or did a crazy amount of exercises. He sure like the idea that even after the time they spent together, she was attracted to him that way. So the joke was not really a joke to Ray. He was laughing because her mood was communicative and because he loved her.

It happened in an instant

Mike smiled, like everyone else who saw what was happening. Mike suddenly stoop up, chasing after Christie. Surprised she tried to retreat but Mike blocked her next to the brown library, his hands around her hips, his whole body covering her. She blushed as she slowly put some distance between them. Mike was still leaning over her, smiling differently now, but his eyes never leaving hers. She looked down, removed her hands that were still resting on his arms, put some hair back behind her ears. Mike looked at her again, after sitting down. He wore a timid smile, like Christie. She walked across the table to her seat. She looked again at Mike. Everyone else was smiling. Except Ray...

His heart was frozen

His heart was frozen at this very instant. He heard the cold snake slowly envelop his heart. His eyes were wide open, horrified by what he just witnessed. He started to doubt Christie. The joke was started for him, but she forgot about him thanks to Mike. It is not like he didn't trust her in the first place. He trust her, he didn't trust himself. He compared himself to Mike to his demise. Mike represented to Ray, a better man. Ray thought he knew Christie, maybe too much. He knew, or thought he knew, what appealed to her. And he could see what could attract her to Mike. Mike encompassed Ray fears. He did not doubt Christie, he doubted himself.

He found them later

The rest of the diner was less magic, less euphoric. His eyes darted back and forth, trying to catch Christie and Mike. He was now Othello. He found them , chatting innocently later. Were they getting to know each other? He could not tell. He eavesdropped that she started to ask him for advices, like he was a "reference" now. Ray tried to butt in the conversation, no too swiftly. Christie ran away.

-She is a great girl. Don't let her go.
-I don't intend to do so. We are soon getting married.
-You better hurry, before she change her mind.

Mike was not threatening Ray, yet. Ray was sure they were not rivals, not yet. So he was at loss as what to do. He did not want to lose her. He did not want to make an issue out of it, before it was actually an issue. The desperation rain was upon him. He could hear the clattering growing louder. He kissed Christie with desperation, with frustration, with hunger. He needed to feel her love again, to feel that he was the one, the only one.

-What's wrong she answer?
-You left me alone tonight.
-Don't be silly. You were not alone.
-But I was without you.

Ray looked into Christie eyes. He saw a flickering doubt, or was it fear, in her eyes. He kissed her harder, having a dreadful sense that it was too late, that he was Othello now.

To be continued... or not

rain soundtrack

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