Maria’s diary.......

in #writing6 years ago


Dear Eresophalugus,

I woke up today with Dimioki (dolphin) trying to get under my waterproof blanket. Though she is my pet, she appears as if she is my mistress. How funny! Today is a holiday. All my friends are planning holiday trips. Riyona said she is going to ‘land’ with her whole family. How exciting! She said that she will be able to feel air. God knows what it is. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself, so I started to describe air by saying, “Air is very tasty, isn’t it?” She said, “Yes.” So now I am sure that it is something to eat.

On our last vacation I had asked Dad to take me to land but he was very busy. I wished Riyona a happy journey and came back home. At home, I asked my dad about air. He said that it was something that people used a long time back to stay alive. Now we don’t need it. I think even Riyona doesn’t know what air is, so she said yes to my foolish question. Anyway, she won’t say it any more.

I am bored. Ridicha is going to “Madam Petty’s” to buy a new pet. It might be a starfish or most probably a whale, or what about a cute goldfish? The mystery will be solved tomorrow when we will be able to see her pet. I opened my Erichopaedia (a kind of encyclopaedia). It is very easy. We just have to touch our ear and the screen appears. I typed, “History of Water Land”. The result said, “Long time back, Earth was a very beautiful planet. It was surrounded by ‘Nature’ (I noted down the spelling to ask the geography teacher its meaning). Gradually, it became inhabitable because of the many human activities. The people then started to live in space. But even that was destroyed. Mars, Jupiter, the moon, not even the sun was left alone. In due course, a scientist named Machingham Seraye invented a tablet so that one could stay alive even in water. As the tablet was being distributed, a large burst from the sun scattered everyone and everything. Everyone dived into the water. That’s how Water Land was discovered.” I guess now I have something to tell my friends back at school.

Yesterday, I went to the deepest part of the Bermuda Triangle during a school excursion. I saw the broken parts of something. Our teacher told us that the broken parts must be that of an ‘aeroplane’, something that people used in the ancient times to fly in the sky. Sky could be the black thing that we see above our heads. Professor Freheok said that he is making an advanced time machine so that we can go back to our past. I would like to use it someday.

Mom is calling us for dinner. We are having yummy seaweed chop and shark rolls.


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