The HighJacker

in #writing6 years ago (edited)


Hello people,

I'm back with my writing experiments, generating 8 random words and using them to create a raw but somewhat resolved story. Below is what I have to work with...

The Words:


"The HighJacker"

"It says it here! Black on white, right on the first page!"
The inspector pointed at the document with anger showing on his face.
"Now cut the crap and tell me what I need to know, it's a snatch isn't it?"

Adam's quarter, Building 2A, Helix Residence, Kennedy Space Center, Florida.


"Is it you again, inspector? I'm sorry but it's 4am. Didn't expect you to come this early." said Adam as he placed his glasses on. He was still in his pyjama, a loose sweater and blue crossed line shorts. His tangled curly blonde hair was all over the place.

The Inspector walked in, pushing the door wide open, taking Adam by surprise.

"This is your daily report from last week. You specifically mentioned a maintenance in the space orbiter before cancelling and editing your report. Are you're trying to steal anything from there? You must be part of an environmental organization trying to make a point. I did a backup check on you but nothing came up.

-Have you been drinking inspector? Why would I do such a thing?

-You were very suspicious looking on the camera..."

Adam's face decomposed. He started stammering, taking steps backwards unconsciously.

"Wait... You didn't? Adam..."

Adam suddenly picks up the interactive alarm clock, next to his bed and smashes it on the Inspector's forehead.
As the poor man hold his head in pain, the young engineer escapes running through the corridors.


He reaches his car outside and heads the main hall without a hitch. "The inspector won't be very long" Adam thought to himself. That leaves very little time. Using a custom security badge, Adam makes his way to the Shuttle Launch Control room.

Hopefully, it was empty at that time. The crew must have been resting before the official launch, later that day.
But things won't go according to plan, Adam thought.
The intruder, still wearing his pyjama began a disturbing ballet, running from one computer to the other, spreading infinite lines of code and hacking software all over the place.

Flashlights pierced through the tinted glass. Security was here. There was no time to mess about.
Adam picks up his stuff and runs to the exit on the opposite side, leaving behind him a 5 minute countdown rolling to expiration.


The fumes from the launching pad could be seen from the scaffolding. The heat was rising progressively. The size of the shuttle only became so impressive once perched on top of the loading deck. Adam walked slowly to ship's main gate. His hair floated gently as he crossed the platform. His body contracted from stress and cold combined. This might have been the craziest thing he had ever done, but one thing he was certain of.... There was no other way.

The world had gone mad over the years. Humanity had tear itself apart. Countries were on the brink of war. Nuclear war. Adam could feel destruction coming. The only way out was from above. Very few people could be in his shoes. He was at the right place at the right time. No one would take that away from him.

He enters the shuttle and puts on the protective suit. Surprisingly there is only one left. The vacuum sealed doors close in bang, just as planned.

There'll be no memorial, there'll be no grief. He'll be remembered as a traitor and as a thief. But he'll be free.

As Adam buckles up in the captain's chair, the engine bursts preparing for ignition.
The Hijacker plugs in a small computer, unlocking the controls, setting up the stabilizers and coordinates.


3... The ground trembles, the countdown reaches an end. An empty control room. No one would be applauding this launch.
2... The walls seem like shrinking from pressure all around.
1... The shuttle's dashboard lightens up like a fire truck.




The rocket builds up speed in no time. It flies up steadily towards the stars. The pressure is intense, the motion unbearable.

Adam passes out....





"Hey, wakey wakey!"
Adam's scare-jumps to the roof, only stopped by the buckle still wrapped around his chest.
A group of four buffed men in space suits hovered around pointing guns at his face.

"Wow. Wow. What the heck?! Who are you guys? What is this? You're not supposed to be here!

-We could say the same thing! Seems like you sneaked in before the launch. We're not spacemen you know. But neither do you! I can tell, you know... Looks like we had the same idea. Why do you think the Space center was cleared up like that...."

Adam unstrapped his buckle, kept his hands up but let his body float gravity less. Goodbye liberty, goodbye adventure. This should have been a lone journey into the wild. Now it was an amateur astronauts co-hab.

"Please don't killed me... I'm sure I can help. What is your plan? " Adam said.

The four men laughed, for a disturbingly long time.

"Ever heard of V616 Mon?

-The black hole?



And that is all folks.
This was a fairly long story.

Hope you had fun reading it.

Let me know in the comments below.

See you on the other side,


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