"Waking Up" And Making Peace With Family And Friends Who Are Still "Asleep"

in #writing7 years ago

As we move from examining our internal relationships to the world at large, we want to take a moment to discuss the difficulties that often come from explaining your newfound views and opinions to your closest family and friends. One of the main things preventing us from actually achieving peace and freedom, is the simple fact that many people who actually are unhappy with the status quo are too afraid to speak out, because they are worried about what their parents, friends, or even complete strangers will think of them.

Whether you believe the world is being corrupted by a cabal of government officials, banking institutions, military interests, reptilian aliens, or some mix, we generally understand that there are rebellious minds out there that question official proclamations made by government agents, police officers, and media pundits. Whether we come to the same conclusions or solutions does not yet matter. We appreciate all those who choose to peek behind the veil of Statism and authority. Personally, we both believe the State, as an institution, is immoral, and the majority of the world’s government are corrupt pawns for various interests that operate in the shadows.

Maybe your view is not as extreme, but chances are if you are reading this book, your views could be classified as outside the “mainstream”. There’s also a good chance you have spent some nights researching on the internet, watching documentaries, and rearranging your worldview. You have likely attempted to share this information via social networks, internet forums, and casual conversations with friends and family. Perhaps you are now comfortable proclaiming to your loved ones that you have “woken up” and have begun chastising them for not taking action and joining the revolution! Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, you were, unfortunately, probably met with silence or straight up mockery.

This silence and rejection may lead to feelings of anger and resentment that can cause real damage to important relationships. For those of us who feel like we have discovered long hidden truths, it can be extremely disheartening to have our close friends and family turn a blind eye, with our words falling on deaf ears. Remember, sometimes your job is only to plant seeds, not to constantly attempt to “convert” people to your perspective.

We understand that tumbling down certain rabbit holes can lead to life-altering revelations - new values, new principles, and a new understanding of the world - which leads to a reassessment of the types of relationships you keep. Some individuals will choose to disown family members and friends over differences that are deemed to be too great to continue the relationship. While we do not believe free individuals should be obligated to maintain any relationship which is counter-productive or destructive (whether blood relative or not), we also think this decision should not be taken lightly.

Simply appreciating an individual for where they are on their path can also be of value. We are all at different points in our journeys. This does not mean you should abandon your values, but remember that everyone is learning. Have compassion for those who do not see what you have come to see. Lead by example and others will be encouraged to begin their own search for answers.

This was a selction from my book with Derrick Broze "Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion" which can be found on Amazon, or at the link in my bio below.
Image: Pixabay

My name is John Vibes and I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. I write for numerous alternative media websites, including The Free Thought Project @tftproject and The Mind Unleashed. In addition to my first book, Alchemy of the Timeless Renaissance, I have also co-authored three books with Derrick Broze @dbroze : The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion and Manifesto of the Free Humans

I just won a 3-year-long battle with cancer, and will be working to help others through my experience, if you wish to contribute to my medical bills, consider subscribing to my podcast on Patreon. 

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Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Waking Up Sleeping Members Of Society
Our Purpose

Whether we come to the same conclusions or solutions does not yet matter. We appreciate all those who choose to peek behind the veil of Statism and authority.

well said. There are a lot of different ways of being.

You are truly an author bro, what I read here is really inspiring.
You are already be an example to others, hope we can also do the same.
Concerning your health, even if I don't have 💰 because I'm just begin my steemit life, but I pray that you will never experienced such again in your life, God will recover all what you have loss during that time.

Respect as a person is ok but one shouldn't tolerate bad behavior of someone just because they were your friend or are your family. Making judgements not based on truth (based on anything other than the persons actions and behaviors) is bigotry in my opinion. I'm glad you wrote this article describing this problem. There will not be an actual freedom movement anywhere in the world until people who know the truth stop having to do with anyone supporting the state and create a mass exodus. Resteemed.

fall asleep because of fatigue work then with it

i am absolutely agree with you spending a time with friend & special with family it is great great fun.............


posting very nice friends, i really like posting friends.

Very true that everybody is on their path and should respect them, but when I see people that watch the news and believe what they hear and see on tv annoys me, there's other platforms where you can search for stuff and make your point of view specially when all the tv channels are owned by the elites and so many people are addicted to watching tv it's hard to wake the masses cause everything thats televised is what they want you to watch and hear.Great post though.Resteemed

Waktu dan keluarga adalah segala galanya saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat anda ini sangat menginspirasi.

He leído tres artículos publicados por ti, la disminución de la escogencia laboral como policía , la preocupación por las publicaciones del atentado en Florida y el miedo de expresar lo que uno siente. Esto me llevo a pensar en mis pensamiento de como expresar mi verdad sobre la situación de mi país y de como lo proyectan para los espectadores mundiales.
Siento que estamos mal, y se nos proyecta peor. Debo aclararte mi país no es tu país, pero la corrupción policial la hay, nos expresan lo que ellos quieren que oigamos y tenemos miedo de hablar porque nadie escucha lo que le dicen sino que oyen lo que desean oír. En español dirían que esto es un trabalenguas, más solo es lo cotidiano en el mundo. Saludos y gracias.
I have read three articles published by you, the decrease in labor choice as a police officer, the concern about the publications of the attack in Florida and the fear of expressing what one feels. This led me to think about my thoughts on how to express my truth about the situation in my country and how it is projected for world viewers.
I feel we are wrong, and we project ourselves worse. I must clarify my country is not your country, but there is police corruption, they express what they want us to hear and we are afraid to speak because nobody listens to what they say but they hear what they want to hear. In Spanish they would say that this is a tongue twister, but it is only the everyday in the world. Greetings and thanks

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