Distraction on top of Distraction on top of Distraction.

in #writing7 years ago

So how many of us are buying it? 2 hurricanes making landfall. A third on it's way. The NFL season beginning, and the MLB progressing towards the World Series. (Which only takes place in America, so how is it the 'WORLD' series???)
But here's the thing: They are all distractions BY DESIGN.
If there's anyone out there who doesn't understand that geoengineering is real, and that the sick bastards who would can and do control the weather, you really need to do your research.
Look up Weather Wars 101, Geoengineering.org, and some recent papers put out by the Harvard whack jobs who think it's a good idea to block out the sun because of the supposed 'climate change' nonsense.
If you're not questioning that, look up the Iron Mountain Report, and UN agenda 21/2030.
The 16th anniversary of 911 came and went in the mainstream media with nothing more than a whimper. WHY? Because the majority of Americans know that not only was 911 an inside job, it was also perpetrated by the terrorist state of Israel. And who owns and runs all the major media outlets in America? Zionist fake Jews.
Doubt my words? Look up a great video on the subject called CNN, Goldman Sachs, and the Zio-Matrix. It's on You Tube, and if you can keep the concept of principles before personalities in check, the individual that made the video will be of no consequence when the message in the video is of paramount importance.
So what am I saying? We the frikin People are headed directly towards a Bolshevik 2.0 if we keep letting them distract us, and allow them to keep us on the hamster wheel chasing a prize that is becoming more and more difficult to achieve.
Time to wake up y'all. Time to understand the gravity of what's right in front of us.
I have more to share, but my puppy needs to go outside, and if you could hear her whine, it would crack you up!!!

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