Andromeda, by Joe Nobel, Part 20

in #writing7 years ago

You don't have to start from the beginning. Just hop in bed and join the fun.

 “Don’t worry, I’m not about to betray his trust. It took too long to earn it.” Anna said, snapping back to the present. “Still, don't you girls miss having outside lives, careers, husbands, babies?”

 Aida rolled her eyes and turned away from Anna. She pushed her chair away from the table and looked around. It seemed as if she couldn’t decide to get up or not.

 “Aida, what is it?” Anna asked.

 “Stupid question you have,” Aida mumbled.

 “I see I struck a raw nerve somehow, I’m sorry. We don’t have to talk about that.”

 “No, that’s okay,” Aida said, her voice was up an octave. She straightened out her dress and pushing her chair back in. “If I wasn’t here, I’d be dead.” Aida returned to her calm demeanor. “Uri found me in a sewer in Marseilles. I was strung out on heroin.” She turned to see if the waitress was bringing their order yet. “I ran away from dear Mama and Papa after I had enough. For years, Papa groped me and made me rub myself against him until he,” she hesitated, unable to speak frankly for the first time Anna had known her, “you know, finished. Then one day, he loaned me to my uncle, his brother, to pay off a debt. Uncle Hebert took me, wasting no time to get his thing inside of me — someplace Papa hadn’t yet ventured. Hearing what he did, Papa became irate. He beat up Uncle Hebert so badly that they had to take him away in an ambulance. He didn’t beat him up because of some tiny bit of love left for me. Oh no, it was because he had plans to auctioned me off as a virgin as soon as I got a little older. His plans were ruined, and from then on he didn’t have any reason not to use me himself. Life became unbearable as he took me time after time when he was drunk. I couldn’t turn to Mama; she just cowered away and pretended nothing was happening. Before long, I ran away.”

 Aida fumbled with her napkin as she got ready to continue. She put on an exaggerated smile, but Anna knew she was on the verge of tears.

 “Being the naive creature I was, I wound up in the arms of a pimp. And he used me like my father never did. From him and his brothel, there was no chance of escape. I’ll gladly take whatever Uri thinks up for all three of us combined rather than go back to that life. At least Master does it with affection, and his pain is only of the erotic kind.”

 “I’m sorry,” Anna said. “I didn't know. You don’t have to go on if it’s too painful.”

 “I’ve never told anyone about this before, but I want to tell you now.” Aida cleared her throat and avoided eye contact as she spoke. “Uri was at the end of a mission. He was a Major back then. I guess he was in France as a spy, or maybe not. Anyway he completed his assignment early. He had a few days before he was expected back in Russia. So he stopped in at the brothel. I was presented to him when he asked for a young and skinny girl but he hadn't expected someone as young as me. I was sixteen, but must have looked much younger with the costumes they made we wear. He took me up to the room but couldn’t fuck me. Believe it or not, that bum, Uri, he’s a man of honor. He asked me what I was doing there and if he could take me back to my parents.”

 Aida wiped her eyes. She then continued her story with a detached, clinical tone. “I didn’t trust him, like I didn’t trust any man, so I ran out of the room. Uri burst out of after me and started looking for me up and down the halls of that cat house. But, I hid from him. It was an old house with many passages and easy to get him to run around in circles. He soon ran into my pimp. The pimp thought that I was acting up again, you know, refusing a client. When the pimp told him he’d beat me, Uri got even angrier and threw him down the stairs. Then he beat that guy up really bad for peddling children. When he asked for a young girl, Uri never thought he’d be getting an actual kid. He assumed he’d be presented with someone around eighteen or twenty.

 “So after Uri stormed out, angry he couldn’t find me, the pimp beat me black and blue in return. Then he shot me full of heroin and kicked me out into the rain. He told me when I’m strung out I should beg him to take me back. What else could I do, I stumble around the alleys of the slums of Marseilles. I must have been too disgusting for even the winos. Or maybe they all lined up and had their way with me, I don’t remember.

 “Sure enough, I find myself strung out, in need of a hit. So I found myself drawn back to the whorehouse. I had nowhere else to go. I suppose I could have gone anywhere and not have been worse off, but that didn’t occur to me. I felt small and alone and scared. And I had to get in from the cold and rain. I begged that pimp to take me back. I promised him anything. He opened the door and I thought he’d let me in, but I was going to be an object lesson for the other girls. He grabbed me, twisted me around, and kicked me off the steps. I rolled down, breaking an arm on the way and fell into the ditch beside the road .

 “I don’t know how long I lay there, but when I looked up I saw Uri standing over me. He shook his head in disgust. I don’t know if he just happened by or if he was watching for me all along. He certainly couldn’t have been attracted by my charm and beauty. I was a mess. I can’t imagine any man reaching down into an open storm drain to pull me out. But he did, and by the time I realized hat happened, I was in Moscow.”

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