Andromeda, By Joe Nobel, Part 11

in #writing7 years ago

Anna slowly opened the heavy wooden door to the General's bedroom. “Sir?” she inquired from an opening no wider than a hand-breadth. “General?”

He didn’t answer. She saw him through that crack, sitting on his bed, reading.

Anna took a deep breath and opened the door. “May I come in?” She took tentative steps inside without waiting for the answer that never came. On one level, she knew he was playing with her, but that didn’t stop her heart from drumming in her chest and her knees from turning into melted candle wax.

“Close the door,” he said, betraying no emotion.

Anna wondered if he meant with her inside or out. But she’d come this far and wasn’t about to run away. She closed the door behind her and walked slowly over to his bed.

He did not look up from his book.

Anna stood two paces from him. Then waited. She cleared her throat.

He continued to read.

Anna continued to wait, determined to not let him frighten her to death. Then she had a thought; she knelt in front of him, legs apart, wrists crossed behind her back, breasts out, head raised, mouth slightly open — just like he'd taught her.

He looked up from over the top of his book.

“Is there something you want?” he asked. She sensed a hint of mischief in his voice he couldn’t hide.

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked.

“It’s complicated,” he answered.

“I thought it was to be your sex slave.”
He closed his book and put it aside. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow in a way that told her she may be assuming too much.

“I thought you were going to, well,” Anna stammered, “play with me, like you do with your other slaves. And, and, do what you do to them, and stuff like that.”

“I said, you would amuse me,” he reminded her. “And that, my dear Andromeda, you have done exceedingly well.”

“But, but, General,” she stammered. What could she say? “Don’t you find me attractive?”

“Indeed I do. I find you very attractive.”

“Then, take me. Use me. I’m yours.”

“I hope you know what you are asking for,” he said, sitting up straight. “Because you are about to get it.” He raised his blanket and motioned with his eyes for her to climb into bed next to him.

She crawled between the sheets and over him to sit on his other side. Just as she sat down she felt like the lamb who kept knocking at the lion's den until she was finally let in.

“Relax,” he laughed, when he saw how tense she'd gotten.

“Relax? I'm relaxed,” she said. “Why do you think I'm not relaxed. I'm very relaxed.”

“Andromeda —” he started to say, but she turned to him and kissed him. Kissed him, with her hands around his neck. He took a deep breath when she finally broke away.

“Andromeda!” he said again.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked. “I mean, the sounds I hear late at night; the stories the girls tell. I mean, back when you interrogated me, I knew in my heart you wouldn't hurt me. But, I mean, I can learn to enjoy that kind of stuff, you know, if you start slow —”

“Andromeda! Anna! Be quiet!”

“Okay, okay, okay. I'll be quiet. You're right. I'll be quiet.”

“Lie down!” he snapped.

The order he gave Anna solidified in her thoughts. That moment, she very much needed his direction, and that's what he gave her. She willingly obeyed and slid down to lie in the center of the bed. He pulled the blanket away, exposing her body to him. He knelt beside her. She looked him up and down, in his sleeveless tee shirt and boxer shorts.

She touched him on the thigh. She had the urge to reach into his shorts and feel his manhood. She didn’t know why, just like she didn’t know why she kissed him a moment ago. She suppressed that urge, at least for the moment, to see what he had in store for her.

He then bent over her to kiss her.

powerful men vs ordinary men
She wondered if she should turn away; reject that kiss; struggle against him. But that would be a pretend struggle. No, she decided, nervous as she was, there would be no pretenses. She met his lips. He took hold of his sex in his cupped hand as their mouths touched, she felt bridges collapse, atomic bombs explode, earthquakes, tornados, and a speeding train careening through her body. His hand on her sex only added a whirlwind to the mix. As she ground herself against him, electricity raced up and down her body; more than electricity, it was lightning in a tropical storm as she orgasmed at his mere touch.

He stroked her face after she came. He circled her lips with his finger tip. She kissed it. She took it in. She sucked that finger like it was his cock. He slid another finger from his other hand into her pussy. She took it in, fucking it like it was his cock.

Why did she know all along it would be like this? Why did she know it would feel this good? Why did he deny her for so long?

He kissed her nipple; drew it into his mouth; pulled on it in with lips. His fingers, now away from her mouth, took hold of her other nipple; caressing it, kneading it. Meanwhile, he continued to play with her clit, feverishly bringing her to climax: fireworks, sunspots, meteor impacts. She orgasmed again.

Anna reached into his shorts and took hold of his cock: hot, rigid, confined, yearning to burst free.

“Not yet,” he whispered, gently pushing her hand away.

“But, master, I should be the one bringing you pleasure.”

“Andromeda,” he said, “you already are bringing me more pleasure than you can imagine.”
He continued to play with her clit, now with an even greater urgency as she rose to another climax. He watched her come again. And she watched him watching her. Train wrecks, airplane crashes, solar flares.

She’d come five, six, seven times, maybe more. Anna then realized he hasn’t taken his pleasure yet. When would he? She was beginning to be sated. If he was going to take her now he might go on for hours. She realized she was in trouble.

As if reading her mind, he positioned himself on top of her and entered her.

As she felt him inside her, comets collide with asteroid belts. He pushed deep inside her, thrusting so deep she felt him all the way in, pressing against that one special, lovely spot all the way in the back. She pulled him into her as she grabbed him by his hips. Pulled him in as deep as she could, gyrating herself against his loins as her legs wrapped around him. Supernovae exploded, galaxies collided, all coming from within her as she came from this deep-body orgasm the likes of which she had never experienced before.

Anna's Orgasm, artists conception
And yet, he was just beginning. She lost track of time. Lost count of orgasms. Ran out of metaphors. She became weak and malleable as he held her, positioning her in the ways he wanted her. Now on all fours; now on her back with her legs up; now riding on top of him. Anna didn’t know what time it was when he pulled out and ordered her to make him come. “What was I doing up ‘til now?” she wondered. It could have been midnight, it could have been four in the morning. She didn’t know. She was exhausted emotionally, sated sexually, and sore in her pussy. The night had been a blur, her orgasms a blur. He allowed her to take him in her mouth. She was at it for an hour, maybe two, bobbing up and down on him, changing her rhythm periodically. Her jaws became as sore as her pussy. She didn’t even know he was close to coming until he grabbed two fists of her hair and in a move that surprised her.

When it was over, Anna wasn’t sure what to do. Her focus up until then was their wildfire sex. He put an arm around her and had her lay beside him. He kissed her on the forehead. This calmed her and a bliss overtook her. She felt as if the bed was floating in a peaceful tropical sea. She quickly drifted off to a serene sleep in his arms.

Thank you for reading. Look for the next installment coming shortly.

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