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RE: The Spirit of Pharmakeia

in #writing6 years ago

Damn, this is a bit horrifying but truly insightful. I love this line, "You are the vehicles that populate the only reality we are permitted do dwell." To me it says so much more than what this evil thing is. It's like our spirits are the same, dwelling in a vehicle that populates a reality, but the potions and drugs are what we use to forfeit control.

I recently stopped drinking alcohol so maybe that's why it hit a little closer to home for me. I think the things described here are what I decided I didn't want to ever experience.

It's become so cool and trendy to drink every weekend and do drugs like it's no big deal. It's refreshing to read something like this because I often feel alone in my stance against it. Erosion baby. It couldn't have been stated better.

Thanks for sharing! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.


No, thank you my friend!
Nothing warms the heart like knowing I've connected with someone I've never met in a real tangible way.

You're dead right, drinking & drugging used to be counter-culture, now it very much is the culture.
As someone who's struggled with these things since my teens, it's very frustrating that it's the culture, as it can sometimes feel like ones imprisoned with no way to escape, and no one to escape with.
Truth be told, can be quite alienating.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read & sharing your most encouraging response.
Oh & to borrow from Irvine Welsh, well done on you choosing life.
Wish you the best!

Glad to have read your story and happy we were able to connect through it. I couldn't agree more on it being alienating. Somehow I'm the weird guy when I say I don't smoke weed or don't want to take ecstasy.

Good luck to you and keeping being the weird one. You're definitely not the only one.

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